Home » In Warsaw, a Pole attacked a Ukrainian woman: details of a terrible story

In Warsaw, a Pole attacked a Ukrainian woman: details of a terrible story

by alex

In Poland, a taxi driver attacked a Ukrainian woman/Collage 24 Channel (Screenshot from an interview)

A terrible story happened to 25-year-old Ukrainian woman Kristina in Warsaw. So, in the capital of Poland, a local taxi driver attacked a young Ukrainian woman with threats and tried to “cheat” her out of money.

The Ukrainian woman shared the details of the terrible situation which happened to her in Warsaw.

Polish driver attacked Ukrainian woman

Ukrainian Kristina was traveling abroad in transit through Warsaw. The Polish taxi driver demanded 300 zlotys, that is, almost 3,000 hryvnia, for a 2-kilometer trip.

The girl said that the road from Ukraine to Poland cost her less than the 2 kilometers to Warsaw hotel with a pseudo-taxi driver. When the Ukrainian woman refused to pay such a large amount for the trip because she simply did not have that much cash with her, the Polish driver tried to intimidate her and threatened to hit her to keep her quiet. Soon the man took the girl in an unknown direction.

Details of the incident that happened with the Ukrainian woman

< p>The girl said that she knocked on the car windows and asked passers-by for help, but they pretended not to see anything. Eventually, as Christina noted, two guys responded and tried to go to the car window and knock. At that moment, the driver, as the girl reported, “went on the gas.”

After that, the driver took Christina to the hotel, threw her things out onto the street and left, he didn’t want to accept money on the card, he realized that there was no cash. The girl does not rule out that the conflict could have been fueled by the fact that she is Ukrainian, although she wants to believe that this is not so.

Christina admitted that she did not write a statement to the police , because I was passing through Warsaw. However, the girl wants other Ukrainian women to hear this story and not fall into such a trap, but to call only proven taxi services and not be afraid to speak.

In an interview, she said that she still wants to finish her story and warns others not to be fooled by the conversations of the hotel workers, who say that in such cases the police are powerless, which, in fact, confused the girl.

In addition, Christina shared that when she published this story online, she received many comments that they had experienced similar situations in Poland.

It is known that drivers from official taxis told the girl that those whom she had stumbled upon were the real Warsaw mafia, who were trying to scam people out of money.

In Poland, three Ukrainian women were attacked by a man with a knife

  • On the night of April 15-16, 2023, around one in the morning, in the Polish city of Legnica There was an attack on three Ukrainian women. The man probably wanted to rob the house, but he was discovered by a 37-year-old woman.
  • Because of this, he attacked the Ukrainian woman with a knife. She died from her injuries.
  • after attacking the woman, the attacker attacked her 14-year-old daughter and another woman. They could have been awakened by the scream of the first crime victim.

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