Home » In Turkey, the dog rescued 5 people from the rubble: he searched even with injured paws

In Turkey, the dog rescued 5 people from the rubble: he searched even with injured paws

by alex


Several tens of thousands of people died and many houses were destroyed due to earth tremors in Turkey. At the same time, it is known that a friend of the rescuers – a dog named Kepyuk – even the wounded helped to get people out of the rubble.

As of the evening of February 11, it is known about 25 thousand people whose lives were claimed by earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. However, rescuers do not lose hope and continue to extract living men, women and children from the rubble. In particular, five people, despite the injuries of their paws, were helped to get the dog Kepyuk.

The paws of the animal were bandaged

Note that the four-legged one works in the province of Malatya in the East of Turkey. Kepyuk works with the Turkish rescue team Van Disaster and Emergency Management. It is known that he was sent to the region along with two trainers – Dersim Bulut and Niyazi Ozbek. suffered. They were injured by broken windows. Some paws even had to be sewn up due to deep wounds, – wrote in the publication Trthaber.

In addition, photos of the four-legged were published there. He is happy on them, although with bandaged paws.

Kepyuk dog saves people in Turkey: see photos from Turkish media Trthaber

Earthquake in Turkey: breaking news

  • Not so long ago, a living 13-year-old boy was pulled out from under the rubble in Turkey. It is known that the child spent 55 hours under the ruins of the house along with his parrot. It should be noted that rescuers from Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates who arrived in Turkey saved his life.
  • In addition, President Volodymyr Zelensky mentioned earthquakes in Turkey in his address. He expressed his condolences to the entire Turkish people because of this tragedy and stated that the representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine are now helping their colleagues in the provinces of Turkey most affected by the earthquakes.
  • At the same time, it is known that in one of the settlements as a result of this disaster, a giant crack was formed, which has a depth of 30 meters and a width of about 200 meters.

What to do in case of an earthquake/Channel 24 Picture

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