Home » In Transcarpathia, recreation centers did not turn off the light: OVA is preparing response measures

In Transcarpathia, recreation centers did not turn off the light: OVA is preparing response measures

by alex

In some settlements of the Khust region in Transcarpathia, the lights were not turned off for two days. In particular, they talk about those settlements where there are recreation centers.

Head of the Transcarpathian OVA Viktor Mikita said that he was informed of this information. Subsequently, the data was confirmed.

What is known about the light in Transcarpathia

Today (January 29 – Channel 24) I received information that in some settlements of the Khust district, where recreation centers are located, yesterday and today (January 28 – 29 – Channel 24) there was uninterrupted power supply at a time when in others In cities and villages, electricity was supplied according to the schedule,” Mikita said.

He assured that the regional authorities had already taken measures to supply electricity according to the schedule.

Moreover, already on January 30, at a meeting of the Council defense of the region on this situation plan to listen to the representatives of “Zakarpatyaoblenergo”. After that, the authorities will take response measures.

Viktor Mikita did not explain exactly what measures they are talking about. However, earlier there were several reports of fines for oblenergos for non-compliance with blackout schedules.

Pay attention! The head of the Transcarpathian OVA also explained that they would consider optimizing electricity consumption, in particular in large supermarkets and other facilities , which, according to information from Zakarpattyaoblenergo, are connected to several networks, therefore they have uninterrupted electricity. , which carries out state regulation in the energy sector, fined 5 oblenergos. This is because they did not comply with the shutdown schedules in conditions of light deficit.

  • Then fines were received by DTEK Kyiv Electric Grids, DTEK Odessa Electric Grids, Vinnitsaoblenergo, Volynyoblenergo, Chernivtsioblenergo.
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  • On January 17, three more oblenergos were fined. The reason was also the non-compliance with blackout schedules. Then the offenders were Vinnitsaoblenergo, Chernivtsioblenergo and Volynyoblenergo.
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