Home » In the Ternopil region, a man was mobilized after a stroke: what did the TCC say?

In the Ternopil region, a man was mobilized after a stroke: what did the TCC say?

by alex

In the Ternopil region, a man was mobilized who suffered a stroke, as stated by his daughter Anzhelika Talaban. The regional TCC and SP have already responded to this incident.

Mobilization of men in the Ternopil region

Anzhelika Talaban from the Ternopil region reported that her father was detained by TCC workers on June 8. According to her, the man has health problems, including — blurred vision, numerous injuries to the spine and ribs, a stroke and alcohol addiction.

The daughter stated that her father was declared unfit for military service by doctors. But he was returned to the TCC and detained due to the fact that all the certificates were signed, noted Angelica Talaban.

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— There, the doctors almost immediately said to take him away from there and not waste their time; they declared him unfit. And you know what? He was literally brought back to the TCC! They keep him where all the certificates have already been magically “signed”, so dad was miraculously “cured” and was found quite suitable, — says the girl's message.

According to Anzhelika, her father tried to join the Ukrainian army after the start of a full-scale invasion. However, he was denied mobilization due to problems with alcoholism.

The girl noted that her relatives tried to give her dad a mobile phone, money and clothes, but they were denied access to it. According to the latest data, the girl’s father was transported to the Rivne training ground.

At the same time, Angelica Talaban added that she filed complaints with all relevant authorities, but did not receive any response.

What did the TCC say

In the Ternopil regional TCC and joint venture they responded to the message about the forced mobilization of Valery Talaban.

They claim that the man voluntarily made the choice to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The TCC emphasizes that the daughter and father have different positions on the issue of mobilization. They note that the man was called up for military service in accordance with current legislation.

— Talaban Valery was called up to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for mobilization in accordance with the current legislation, he voluntarily passed the Military Military Test, has no complaints or claims, which he confirmed personally and in writing during an inspection by representatives of the Military Law Enforcement Service, — the message says.

The TCC and the joint venture responded that Valery Talaban has a conscious, active social position, is patriotically inclined to the participation of men in opposing Russian aggression and serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also independently and voluntarily made a choice.

— We admit differences in views on service in the Armed Forces of Talaban Valeriy and his daughter, whose complaint he asked not to consider, since it is groundless and does not correspond to the real situation, — approved by the TCC.

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