Home » In the Rivne region will judge the teacher for the distribution of communist symbols

In the Rivne region will judge the teacher for the distribution of communist symbols

by alex

In Rivne, a teacher at one of the universities is suspected of distributing and publicly using communist symbols. It is officially banned in Ukraine.

As noted in the prosecutor's office, the woman was engaged in propaganda of the totalitarian regime on the Odnoklassniki social network.

What is the woman accused of?

According to investigators, a 68-year-old resident of the regional center and a teacher at one of the universities, because of her page on the Russian social network , was engaged in propaganda of the communist totalitarian regime . The woman also distributed Soviet symbols banned by the Law of Ukraine since 2015.

From postcards and thematic “gifts” on the social network, she also posted and publicly used images of the state emblem and photos of the leadership of the USSR, as well as other photographs with a combination of a sickle and a hammer, the prosecutor's office said.

Law enforcement officers recorded 6 episodes of prohibited activities. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

What punishment does she face?

If the guilt of a woman is proved, then the sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years with or without confiscation of property.

Let us add that decommunization is actively going on in Ukraine and all over the world. Yes, the last statue of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin has finally been demolished in Finland. It happened on October 4 in the city of Kotka, where the bust stood. Dozens of people came to see it. Some even brought champagne to celebrate the removal of the monument.

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