Home » In the Odessa region, a man opened fire at his own wedding

In the Odessa region, a man opened fire at his own wedding

by alex

In Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, the happy groom apparently decided to inform more of the townspeople about his important day. However, he chose a rather bad way for this, especially in wartime.

So bad that the police received a report of shooting from a car. Therefore, employees of the investigative-operational group of the district police department immediately launched a special operation “Interception”.

Wedding with a call to the police

The perpetrator was found quickly. He was in one of the local recreational establishments. It turned out that the shooting occurred during the celebration of the wedding.

The 20-year-old groom fired six shots into the air, pushing his hand out of the hatch of the car driven by his friend. Luckily, no one was injured in the incident, police said.

The gun, probably a starting one, was confiscated by law enforcement officers and sent for examination. The driver of the car also felt the consequences of the trick – his vehicle was placed on the arrest site.

What threatens the offender

Investigators, under the procedural guidance of the district district prosecutor's office, entered information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations into Hooliganism with the Use of Firearms. This is provided for by part 4 of Article 296 “Hooliganism” of the Criminal Code.

It should be noted that what is committed for a young person can result in imprisonment for a term of three to seven years, the law enforcement officers emphasized.

Based on the results of the examinations, the issue of informing the man about suspicion will be resolved. The investigation is currently ongoing.

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