Home » In the occupied Kherson region, the Russians introduce the ruble and their program in schools – Britain

In the occupied Kherson region, the Russians introduce the ruble and their program in schools – Britain

by alex

Russia wants to force people to pay in rubles

Russian occupants feel quite confident in the Kherson region. Although the Ukrainian military is making counterattacks against the enemy in this region.

Russia started a war against Ukraine, convincing everyone that there would be no talk of any occupation. But as the actions of the invaders showed, everything turned out the other way around. And wherever the Russian army came, there is an attempt to draw this territory into Russia. This happened in the Kherson region, the only region where the occupiers managed to capture the regional center.

Already from the beginning of the capture of Kherson and the Kherson region, the Russians tried to show that “they are here for a long time.” Collaborators were immediately found who agreed to cooperate with the occupiers. And after that, there was talk about the inclusion of Kherson in Russia.

At first, they tried to organize it because of the so-called “referendum”, but the idea of ​​organizing it had to be postponed due to the resistance of the local population. Then there was the idea to “join the Kherson region to the Crimea.” Although Crimea is Ukraine, no matter what the traitors may think.

But while the collaborators for their Kremlin curators are developing the idea of ​​how to “transfer” the Kherson region under the control of Russia “at the legal level”, Russian orders are already being established there with might and main . And this is not only about the robbery of Ukrainian farmers and the export of stolen Ukrainian goods from the occupied Crimea to Russia.

Even British intelligence has noticed that in occupied Kherson, the Russians are forcing the local “administration” to coordinate their actions with the Russian authorities. The Russian ruble is also introduced in the region. It should become legal tender in the region.

In addition, Russian teachers are recruited into schools, because the educational process there is also translated into the Russian curriculum, including the Russian language. True, schooling should resume in September, and it is not known what the situation will be in Russia's war against Ukraine before that time – which cities and regions will be occupied (and whether they will be at all) and where the front lines will lie.

It is worth noting that infidels are also trying to introduce training under the Russian program in other captured cities. In the same Mariupol. But for this you have to take teachers from Russia. They are faced with the task of “bringing up” the students' knowledge of the Russian language. Indeed, despite the statements of infidels, Ukrainian children are not ready to study in Russian.

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