Home ยป In the Mykolaiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had a battle with a specific group of enemy forces – in Ukrainian military uniform

In the Mykolaiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had a battle with a specific group of enemy forces – in Ukrainian military uniform

by alex

The Russians decided to put on the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but ours again sent them behind the ship./zn.ua

In the Mykolaiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine faced a specific enemy. This time the Russian occupiers dressed up in the uniform of Ukrainian fighters.

However, this did not help the enemy – the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulsed the attack. This was announced on May 24 by the operational command “South”.

AFU repelled the attack of a specific enemy

In the north-east of the Mykolaiv region, in the direction of Krivoy Rog, there was a military clash between our unit and a specific group of enemy forces, the command reported.

It is also known that the opponents:

  • with two armored fighting vehicles “Tiger” under the cover of mortar fire tried to seize our observation post;
  • were dressed in military uniforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The operational command “South” explained that the enemy attack was repulsed, he retreated. However, 4 Russian soldiers remained forever – the infidels again did not take the dead.

Besides, unfortunately, the infidels set up the Smerch multiple launch rocket system in the residential areas of Nikolaev. It is known that civilians were injured. Additional information as of the evening of May 24 was still being clarified.

Briefly about the situation in the South of the country

  • During the day on February 24, the situation in the south of the country remains stably tense. In particular, infidels in the temporarily occupied Kherson region tried to carry out a provocative shelling of settlements in order to blame the Armed Forces of Ukraine for this.
  • Russian infidels are trying to force people to cooperate with them or agree to the occupation. In particular, they want to mobilize men from Kherson into the Russian army. However, this violates the Geneva Convention and a war crime.
  • In addition, the situation in the Odessa region is stable and under control. The authorities are taking counter-sabotage measures. In particular, they have already exposed a man who, in his posts, discredited the Armed Forces of Ukraine and openly supported the war that Russia is waging against Ukraine. He was informed of the suspicion of separatism. During martial law, punishment is possible up to life imprisonment.
  • It should be mentioned that in the northwestern part of the Black Sea there are 6 large landing ships and 2 missile ships in the future. They continue to terrorize the situation. And the Black Sea sailors participating in the war against Ukraine refuse to carry out combat missions due to the emergency state of the ships.

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