Home » In the Kursk region – “cotton”: the distillery and houses caught fire

In the Kursk region – “cotton”: the distillery and houses caught fire

by alex

A “pop” broke out again in the Kursk region. It is preliminary known that the Russian occupiers have a distillery on fire and houses caught fire.

Relevant information was reported in the telegram channels on the evening of October 10. It happened on the day when Russia massively attacked Ukraine.

Someone “smoked” in the Kursk region

The village of Tetkino in the Kursk region came under fire. According to preliminary data, two people were injured, the report says.

RosSMI wrote that Governor Roman Starovoit confirmed shelling in the village. According to Russian infidels, there were 6 arrivals. The distillery caught fire due to the attack. A fire also broke out in a two-story residential building.

Preliminarily, the occupiers reported that two people were allegedly injured. Propagandists claim they allegedly have “a man with shrapnel wounds and a woman with burns” there. In all likelihood, this is a “pop” or provocations of the Russians.

The Russians have an “accident” at the ammunition depot of the Ministry of Defense

It is worth remembering that on October 10 someone successfully smoked at the ammunition depot of the Ministry of Defense aggressor countries in the village of Burmakino, Yaroslavl region. It should be noted that the “ignition” of the occupiers began almost simultaneously with the massive attack of enemies in Ukraine.

The head of the Nekrasovsky district, in which Burmakino is located, Pavel Kulakov, said that:

  • at the enterprise “the roof is shed”;
  • there is no open fire anymore;
  • firefighters are extinguishing;
  • in a kindergarten and a school located nearby, evacuated.

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