Home ยป In the Kherson region, the invaders began a sudden “case of cattle”

In the Kherson region, the invaders began a sudden “case of cattle”

by alex

The smell of napalm in the fields of the Kherson region… The Russians have interesting obituaries. Some gunners are buried very quickly. Somewhere, according to the sensations, since the end of August, something began to happen there, that the “case of cattle” began – excuse my livestock slang.

A rare occupier will swim to the middle of the Dnieper

< p>Sometimes corpses emerge from the Kherson direction, that is, they are those who did not have time to cross the Dnieper, so they were quickly brought home.

Interesting specialists:

  • “he served as the head of the radio station of the command and staff vehicle of an artillery brigade” (31.08);
  • “senior gunner of a self-propelled artillery platoon” (0x.09.);
  • “senior technician of a self-propelled artillery battery” (0x.09.).

But the corpse of a soldier from the 291st artillery brigade cannot yet be brought to Ingushetia. These “pionists” worked in the Nikolaevsky direction, but did not have time to cross the Dnieper in the opposite direction because of the drone.

The festival of obituaries in Russia is in full swing

On September 1, an artillery lieutenant colonel died – it happens. Under Novaya Kakhovka, the captain, “the commander of a howitzer self-propelled artillery battery,” was unlucky.

They also write from Kherson itself (03.09. – directly fresh): “Lesha died on September 3 in the village of Antonovka, a suburb of Kherson, not far from Antonovsky bridge. There were fights.” The fighting hasn't started there yet, it's just shelling.

I really liked the dude from Kerch named Chernobaev. Rosguard with an eloquent surname. In general, there are interesting losses in the Russian Guard. Very promptly, a week later, Captain Zorin was brought home and awarded (August 29): “Sergei Nikolaevich participated in the” liberation “of Crimea, then remained to serve in Evpatoria, from where in February 2022 he was sent to participate in a” special military operation in Ukraine “.Captain Zorin performed combat missions to protect the Zaporozhye NPP.”

It is very dangerous for Russians to stay in the Ukrainian Crimea.

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