Home » In Serbia, near the Israeli embassy, ​​a policeman was shot with a crossbow: authorities talk about a terrorist attack

In Serbia, near the Israeli embassy, ​​a policeman was shot with a crossbow: authorities talk about a terrorist attack

by alex

In Serbia, near the Israeli embassy, ​​a policeman was shot with a crossbow: authorities talk about a terrorist attack by Yuli Murin

A policeman was shot in Serbia policeman/RTS

In the capital of Serbia, Belgrade, a policeman was attacked near the Israeli Embassy. The man shot him in the neck with a crossbow.

The policeman who was wounded returned fire. The attacker subsequently died.

A policeman was wounded in Serbia

According to Media, the man repeatedly approached the police station to ask something. He subsequently opened the door and shot him in the neck with a crossbow.

The policeman returned fire, wounding the attacker. The law enforcement officer has already been operated on and transferred to intensive care.

The officer used a weapon in self-defense and overpowered the attacker, who died from his wounds, the minister said Internal Affairs.

Ivica Dacic is convinced that the attack was a terrorist attack. Subsequently reported that there were early signs that the attack was linked to people suspected of having links to the Wahhabi movement, the ultra-conservative branch of Islam that dominates Saudi Arabia.

There are already some suspicions that we are talking about persons already known to the special services, and we are talking about the Wahhabi movement,” the official emphasized.

According to him, several people were arrested for “preventive reasons.” General security in Belgrade has been strengthened. Special prosecutors took over the case.

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