Home » In Russia, they can’t come to terms with weapons for Ukraine: they threaten Poland and scare them with escalation

In Russia, they can’t come to terms with weapons for Ukraine: they threaten Poland and scare them with escalation

by alex

Western partners of Ukraine are actively helping our state to fight the invaders for independence and existence. And this support, in particular military support, only increases from month to month, which the aggressor country does not like very much.

Consequently, its officials are doing what they do best – threatening the civilized world. In particular, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov distinguished themselves with such statements to journalists, Channel 24 reports.

Provision of weapons Ukraine allegedly will not affect the course of the war

The Kremlin has traditionally stated that an increase in the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine will only lead to an escalation of the war. So Peskov commented on the public appeal of Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Melnyk to Germany to provide Kyiv with a submarine.

He stressed that the provision of weapons at the request of Ukraine is a “dead end”, because it leads not only to escalation, but and to the fact that “NATO countries are increasingly becoming direct participants in the conflict.” However, this situation, in his opinion, has no potential to change the course of events and will not change it.

Interestingly, this statement was made not only after Melnik's proposal to provide Ukraine with a submarine, but also after the unblocking of deliveries to our state of modern heavy tanks, which will cause a lot of trouble for the invaders.

Threats partners of Ukraine

Note that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov went even further in his judgments and rushed to threaten Poland and the Baltic countries. He stressed that assistance to Kyiv has already led to a catastrophic degradation of relations between the countries, because, according to him, interaction in all areas is now terminated or reduced to zero.

Moreover, he threatened to completely terminate diplomatic relations. After all, in his opinion, anti-Russian sentiments prevail in these countries. Lavrov noted that Moscow would not initiate this, but in the event of such a break, according to him, all responsibility would fall on the authorities of these countries.

However, not through diplomatic relations alone. Lavrov also stressed that Russia would defend its “national interests”, for some reason each time connected with the sovereignty of the neighbors of the aggressor country, and threatened with “long-term consequences” in the event of “any actions of the opponents”.

Also the chapter The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the terrorist country also came to the incredible conclusion that assistance to Ukraine after the start of a full-scale invasion is connected with a “tough Russophobic campaign” that was allegedly launched in Poland as well. And it is important not to confuse that Russia's war of conquest and its constant threats to the world, in particular, with nuclear weapons, are not to blame for this. No. All solely because of “Russophobia”.

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