Home » in Russia held a traditional competition in throwing cow feces: epic video

in Russia held a traditional competition in throwing cow feces: epic video

by alex

Russia holds traditional cow dung throwing competition/Channel 24 Collage

The Merry Mullein festival took place in a Russian village, where participants compete in throwing dry cow dung.

The festival took place in the village of Krylovo in the Perm Territory. Participants of this event compete in throwing dry fecal cow “cakes” at a distance.

The video shows how Russians take dry cow dung with their bare hands and throw them as far as possible.

“I don't disdain, it's dear to me”: the winner of the competition about cow excrement

The winner was a woman Olga – she threw a fecal cow “cake” as much as 64 meters.

I do not disdain, it's all almost native to me. I don't see anything of the sort in this. It smells amazing, she said.

Other participants in the event also claim that dried cow dung does not stink or leave marks on clothes, because “it is dry grass, in fact.”

Russians throw dry cow dung: watch the video

This festival has been held in Russia for more than 10 years

has been going on since 2009. For the past two years, the festival was not held due to the pandemic, but now it has been returned.

The fact that the festival has passed is happily trumpeted by the largest Russian propaganda media. And it seemed that nothing could surpass the competition for speedy grave digging, which is held in different regions of Russia, and the famous eating of pancakes from a shovel.

In May, another competition for burial grounds was held in Russia

On May 14 in Novosibirsk a speed grave digging championship took place. Teams from different cities had to quickly dig a hole into which they were supposed to fit a real coffin. The place of the competition is symbolic and practical – the territory near the Novosibirsk crematorium.

On the whole, such competitions are not surprising for Russia – they are held annually in different regions of the country.

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