Home » In Poland desecrated the statue of Marshal Rokossovsky

In Poland desecrated the statue of Marshal Rokossovsky

by alex

Unknown criminals have stolen and desecrated the statue of Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky in the Polish city of Legnica. About it reports a local site lca.pl.

The monument, which was erected at the cemetery of the red army, disappeared on the night of 30 July, and in the morning the police found him in the field already beheaded. Sculpture Rokossovsky was part of the exposition of the local Museum of copper and weighed about 600 pounds.

Law enforcement agencies looking for criminals, as well as the rest of the sculpture. It is noted that this monument has several times been the target for vandalism.

Earlier in the Czech Republic has accused Russia in the demolition of the monument to Konev. The head of the district Prague 6 ondřej kolář, who initiated the demolition of the monument to Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev in the city, found guilty of the Russia. Kolar said that the Prague authorities were not instructed to demolish the monument. According to him, the first Russian side offered to take the monument, that stood in the Embassy safe.

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