Home » In Orsk, the third dam broke: water poured in with renewed vigor

In Orsk, the third dam broke: water poured in with renewed vigor

by alex

Burst in Orsk the third dam/RosSMI

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that in Orsk there was a third breach of an embankment dam. Water rushed with renewed vigor into the village of Nikel.

In Orsk, an urgent evacuation of several more areas is being carried out. Due to a new dam break, water flowed into the village of Nikel and other parts of the city. This was reported by local media and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The third dam broke in Orsk

< p>The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported at about 8 pm that the second embankment dam had broken in Orsk.

Local residents report that the dam broke in the area of ​​Borisoglebskaya Street. As a result, a stream from the Ural River poured through the structure into the village of Nikel.

A dam broke in Orsk again: watch the video

If before this the water simply flowed over the structure, now the dam section has been completely washed away.

Subsequently, local authorities reported a third breakthrough in the area of ​​Borisoglebskaya Street.

The water level continues to rise: watch the video

According to local residents, water is quickly penetrating the settlement and will soon flood it.

Emergency and operational services, local administration and The police are intensively patrolling houses, and a warning siren is also working. Residents of Nikel are asked to evacuate to temporary accommodation centers or to relatives. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is also carrying out its own evacuation.

What is the situation in Orsk now

  • Recall that on April 5, a dam in the Russian city of Orsk burst and water flooded the city.
  • According to local authorities, more than 6 thousand houses. Some of them went under the water with a roof.
  • At the moment, 4 deaths are known.
  • According to forecasts, The water level in the Urals will rise and may reach a critical level on Sunday night. li>
  • It is interesting that 2 days before the breakthrough, the mayor of Orsk reported on an inspection of the local dam and stated that there was no threat of flooding.

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