Home » In Melitopol, the occupiers ran over a car with a woman behind the wheel for the sake of entertainment

In Melitopol, the occupiers ran over a car with a woman behind the wheel for the sake of entertainment

by alex

The invaders continue to commit atrocities in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine/Channel 24 collage, illustrative photos.

In Melitopol, the invaders continue to control the city and even “have fun”. For this, they ran over a car with a woman inside.

The relevant information was reported in the Zaporizhia police department on May 21. In particular, the incident became known on the 87th day of the war that Russia started against Ukraine.

Occupiers ran over a car with a woman in Zaporozhye

Melitopol residents report that kafirs constantly violate the rules of the road and “have fun” on the road. As a result of such entertainment, the invaders ran over a passenger car, in the cabin of which a woman was squeezed, the message says.

The Zaporozhye Regional Military Administration explained that the victim was taken to the hospital, where she is as of the evening of May 21. Russian infidels, as always, deny their involvement in the incident.

Also, in the temporarily occupied Melitopol, collaborator Balitsky ordered that business entities from May 20 should use both hryvnia and rubles for settlements. Moreover, the traitors allowed non-cash payments to be made only in rubles.

The collaborator also approved the so-called “exchange rate” – 2 rubles for 1 hryvnia. Although, in fact, at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, on May 22, at 4.7073 hryvnias, you can buy 10 Russian rubles.

Briefly about the situation in Melitopol

  • Russian infidels temporarily seized Melitopol March 1. The fighting for the city has been going on since February 25 – that is, from the second day of the full-scale attack by Russia.
  • Despite the occupation, people in the city are against the so-called “authority” of Russia. In particular, on May 18, the Zaporizhia District Military District reported that local partisans had killed high-ranking Russian military men. The media wrote that they were talking about 2 high-ranking occupiers. Moscow did not acknowledge this, but during the day the Russian military intensively checked private vehicles in Melitopol. They were probably looking for partisans.
  • On May 18, a Russian armored train was remotely blown up in Melitopol. The explosion occurred under the wagon with personnel. The armored train and the locomotive with 10 tanks of fuel and lubricants following the armored train were stopped. The explosion damaged two railway tracks.

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