Home » In Mariupol, the Russians pass off their own soldiers as dead Azov residents

In Mariupol, the Russians pass off their own soldiers as dead Azov residents

by alex

Russians pass off their dead soldiers as Azovites/Andryushchenko Time

Russian propaganda continues to shoot fake videos from Mariupol. This time they passed off their own killed soldiers as Azov soldiers.

The Russians pass off their own losses as Ukrainian ones

This was announced by the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petr Andryushchenko. He noted that the dead soldiers have a white ribbon on their arm, and this is exactly what Russian soldiers wear.

Fake. Infidels do not stop churning out bravura videos about the losses of the “national battalions”. But in this race, “who is better at lying” is increasingly passing off their own losses as Ukrainian ones,” Andryushchenko wrote.

What happened

The telegram channel of propagandists working for RT published a video about global losses of Azov in the private sector near the Azovstal plant.

It is impossible to identify the shooting location on the video (taking into account the street fighting yesterday and the lack of cannonade), probably in another area of ​​the city, remote from the plant.

However, instead of the dead Azov residents, only the dead Russians are visible in the footage.

At 48 seconds, where the “losses of Azov” are shown in a wide shot, we see … a dead Russian with a white ribbon on his arm. We, of course, agree that the Nazi battalions are Russian. But they don’t often admit it themselves,” Andryushchenko sneered.

Stuffing propagandists about Mariupol is already a tradition

  • Let us remind you that this is not the first time Russians have been spreading false videos supposedly from the territory of Mariupol. Earlier, propagandists published an interview with an alleged resident of Mariupol, accusing not the Russians, but allegedly “Ukrainian nationalists” of destroying the city.
  • The Russians also stated that they “found” in Mariupol the headquarters of people with a non-traditional orientation, who were allegedly cared for by the United States .
  • Kafirs lie to everyone. For example, they disrupt the evacuation of Mariupol residents and say that Ukraine is not coming for them.

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