Home » In Mariupol opened the headquarters of “United Russia” and distribute SIM cards of an unrecognized operator

In Mariupol opened the headquarters of “United Russia” and distribute SIM cards of an unrecognized operator

by alex

United Russia headquarters in Mariupol/Focus

Occupiers continue to carry out manipulations and provocations in Mariupol. They have already created the headquarters of Putin's party and are distributing SIM cards of the fake Phoenix operator.

The Center noted that in the part of Mariupol occupied by the invaders, the headquarters of United Russia was opened in the Metro premises and cards of the unrecognized mobile operator “Phoenix” are distributed free of charge.

It is known that the invaders opened this headquarters in a shopping center on the outskirts of the city. They cynically call it “humanitarian”. In addition to mobile cards, rashists distribute various absurd propaganda leaflets and newspapers.

What is known about mobile communications in the temporarily occupied territories

  • Phoenix is ​​a mobile operator in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk region< /li>
  • “Lugacom” is an operator in the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk region;
  • Phoenix and Lugakom mounted their equipment on the captured towers of Ukrainian operators;
  • Sim- operator cards are tied to the owner's passport data;
  • “Phoenix” and “Lugakom” are unrecognized operators, therefore, not a single country, even the Russian Federation, has concluded a roaming agreement with them;
  • Unrecognized the “republics” have not yet concluded an agreement between “Phoenix” and “Lugakom” so that residents of the TOT of the Donetsk region can call the residents of the TOT of the Luhansk region

Thus, the Russian Federation is trying “integrate” the population of the occupied territories into ORDLO, isolating them from the world, – saying

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