Home » In Kyiv, a gas cartridge exploded in a high-rise building: a minor suffered

In Kyiv, a gas cartridge exploded in a high-rise building: a minor suffered

by alex

On the evening of December 27, a gas canister exploded in a high-rise building in Kyiv. The blast wave broke windows and damaged equipment.

The explosion was reported at 18.21. It happened on Raduzhnaya Street, in the Dnieper district of the capital. Rescuers were immediately sent to the scene.

A minor was injured

In the kitchen of one of the apartments of the 16-storey building, a gas canister exploded. There was no further burning.

A 17-year-old girl was injured in the explosion. She has scratches on her arms and an acute reaction to stress. The victim was handed over to the doctors, but she refused hospitalization.

In addition, windows were broken in the apartment, furniture and household appliances in the kitchen were damaged.

Why did the can explode

Circumstances will be established by law enforcement officers. However, in the comments, users suggest that the spray could explode due to the included electric stove. When the light was turned on, it heated up and an explosion could occur.

Consequences of the explosion in Kyiv/Photo by the State Emergency Service:

Safety rules

Recently, cases of explosions of gas cylinders or generators have become more frequent in Ukraine. Therefore, the State Emergency Service once again reminds Ukrainians of the safety rules:

  • You should buy only certified products at licensed points of sale.
  • You must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, and always check the integrity can. The absence of gas leaks can be checked with a soapy solution.
  • The gas cylinder is designed for outdoor use. If the burner is used in a room where people live, there must be ventilation.
  • The cylinders must not be exposed to sunlight. They should be kept away from high temperatures.

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