Home » In Kyiv, 5 National Guardsmen got married at once: touching video

In Kyiv, 5 National Guardsmen got married at once: touching video

by alex

Newly married couples have revealed that they constantly postponed their wedding because of the coronavirus, and then because of the war. However, we decided that it was enough to postpone.

Volunteers organized a magnificent ceremony for the Ukrainian defenders in one of the capital's shopping centers. The singer Roksolana also came to the celebration.

How was the wedding ceremony

The organizer of the holiday, volunteer Tatyana Savitskaya, said that it was “the little thing that they can do for our defenders”.

National Guardsman Yuriy said that he sought the favor of his fiancee Natalie for 8 months. When she agreed to marry him, the coronavirus began, then the war. They consulted and told each other that there was nothing to drag on, it was time to start a family.

The National Guards got married in Kyiv: watch the video

Some of the National Guards even managed to visit at the front. The newlyweds promised each other to be together in sorrow and in joy.

The only thing is that no couple will have a full honeymoon. Men are military men and do not have the right to leave their units for a long time.

Zelensky dismissed the deputy commander of the National Guard: in short

The President of Ukraine signed a decree on February 11 on the dismissal of Ruslan Dzyuba, Deputy Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine. The reasons for the dismissal of the official are still unknown.

“Dismiss Dzyuba Ruslan Vladimirovich from the post of deputy commander of the National Guard of Ukraine,” the presidential decree says.

Note that since June 2019 Ruslan Dzyuba has been deputy Commander of the National Guard for Logistics – Head of Logistics.

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