Home ยป In Kursk, too, “cotton”: in the Russian region, power lines were blown up again

In Kursk, too, “cotton”: in the Russian region, power lines were blown up again

by alex

Blowing up a power line in Kursk (illustrative photo)/Collage of Channel 24

Another power line pylon was blown up in the Kursk region of Russia. It happened on August 9 in a cornfield near the village of Lyubitskoye.


The damaged tower is located 20 kilometers from the Kursk nuclear power plant and 100 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. It is known that the explosion did not affect the power supply of the region in any way, since this line is mothballed.

Second time in a week

This is not the first undermining of the resistance of the power line in recent days. The previous “trouble” occurred on August 4th. Then the resistance located in the private sector of Kurchatov was damaged.

The distance between the two damaged resistances is about 15 kilometers.

It was hotter in Crimea as well

On August 9, a series of loud explosions near Novofedorivka pretty much stirred up the inhabitants of the occupied Crimea. Explosions were heard on the territory of the airfield “Saki”. It is known that it was from this air base that fighters and bombers took off, attacking the south of Ukraine.

Local residents said that they heard up to 15 loud sounds. The explosions caused panic among the Russians, so they hurried to evacuate, which led to kilometer-long traffic jams on the peninsula.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that several aviation munitions had detonated at the airfield. They assured that everything was fine, no one was hurt, and the equipment was not damaged. However, it was difficult for the invaders to decide on the final version of the explosions. Russian media claimed that the cause of the detonation was a “violation of fire safety.”

It is impossible to say for sure who and how could fire at the enemy airfield. However, in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, when the morning statistics of enemy losses were published, an additional 9 aircraft appeared in the column of destroyed aircraft.

What else is known about the “clap” in Russia

  • about the shelling of border areas from Ukraine, because they were afraid of “pops”. The head of the Kursk region of Russia, Roman Starovoit, wrote that the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly shelled the border areas of the Rila region. Under fire, they say, was the border checkpoint Krupets.
  • In the same Kursk region, an enterprise was on fire and explosions were heard. However, the Russians came up with a completely “logical” explanation. They said the military was “performing combat missions.”
  • In the Russian city of Belgorod, near Ukraine, “cotton” is also common. In the highest political circles of the aggressor country, hysteria is due to this. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova even openly threatened Ukraine and the collective West.

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