Home » In Kremenchug, rubble continues to be dismantled: the remains of a completely destroyed mall in the photo

In Kremenchug, rubble continues to be dismantled: the remains of a completely destroyed mall in the photo

by alex

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug/Dmitry Lunin

< strong _ngcontent-sc88="">In Kremenchug, the rubble of the Amstor shopping and entertainment center, which Russia launched missile strikes, continues to be cleared. All night, more than a thousand people worked on the ruins – rescuers, policemen, doctors and volunteers.

To date, 18 deaths are already known. Another 36 people are considered missing. The search continues, and the victims are provided with the necessary assistance.

What is known about the victims of the Russian terrorist act

As of 7 am on June 28 as a result of shelling of a trading Russians killed at least 18 people at the Amstor Center. Of these, 1 person died in the hospital.

59 people sought medical help, 25 of them were hospitalized in the intensive care hospital in Kremenchug.

The head of the Poltava OVA, Dmitry Luniv, expressed his sincere condolences to the families and relatives of the dead and injured.

What the devastating shopping and entertainment center in Kremenchug looks like now: photo of the State Emergency Service and Dmitry Lunin

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/v-kremenchuge-prodolzhajut-razbirat-zavaly-ostavsheesja-ot-polnostju-razrushennogo-trc-v-foto-75a39fc.jpg" alt= "In Kremenchug, rubble continues to be dismantled: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo" />

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be dismantled in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be dismantled in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

In Kremenchug, rubble continues to be dismantled: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be dismantled in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be dismantled in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be dismantled in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

In Kremenchug, rubble continues to be dismantled: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

The rubble continues to be cleared in Kremenchug: the remains of the completely destroyed mall in the photo

More than 400 emergency workers were involved in the work.

Currently, search and rescue operations are ongoing. Rescuers dismantle damaged building structures with the help of heavy engineering equipment and small-scale mechanization. The measures are coordinated by the Headquarters for the Elimination of the Consequences of the Emergency.

440 people are involved in the work from the State Emergency Service, including 14 psychologists, as well as 70 pieces of equipment.

Local authorities have organized comprehensive support for the forces and means involved in eliminating the consequences of the shelling, the State Emergency Service said in a statement.

According to Lunin, about a thousand people were involved in the elimination of the consequences of the shelling of the mall: rescuers, military, police, ambulances and healthcare institutions. Now the most important thing is to sort out the rubble as quickly as possible and establish the exact number of victims.

What you need to know about the shelling of the mall in Kremenchug

  • On June 27, Russian infidels launched Kh-22 missiles at Kremenchug . Two shells of Russian infidels hit the Amstor mall. In total, there were about a thousand peaceful Ukrainians in the building.
  • After the missiles hit the mall, a large-scale fire started, the fire engulfed the entire building. The roof has fallen. People were in flames and under the rubble.
  • G7 has already reacted to the shelling of the mall, calling it a war crime. The missile attack on the shopping center in Kremenchug was also reacted to by the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN, which is a member of the Security Council. The UN Security Council will meet on June 28 to discuss the shelling of Ukrainian civilians by Russian troops.
  • Ukrainian Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova said that the shelling of the mall in Kremenchug could be investigated in The Hague.

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