Home » In Kherson, warnings were posted to the invaders – stuffed dead soldiers in the park

In Kherson, warnings were posted to the invaders – stuffed dead soldiers in the park

by alex

Stuffed infidels appeared in the occupied Kherson/Collage of Channel 24

In the temporarily occupied Kherson, Ukrainian partisans hung up a clear warning to the Russian invaders – models of the corpses of the occupiers. Thus, the Ukrainians demonstrate what the invaders should expect.

In Kherson, temporarily under the control of Russian infidels, stuffed invaders appeared hanging on trees.

On the trees of Kherson, Ukrainian partisans hung a “warning” for the Russians – so the infidels will know what awaits them for committing crimes and terrorizing Ukrainian lands.

In Kherson, warnings were hung to invaders – stuffed dead soldiers in the park

Effigies of imprisoned infidels appeared in Kherson/Photo by Khu@evy Kherson

We will hang Reshists on trees instead of leaves, – it is written on the sheets that are attached to the effigies of infidels.

In Kherson invaders were hung warnings – stuffed dead soldiers in the park

Effigies of suspended infidels appeared in Kherson/Photo by Khu@evy Kherson

According to telegram channels, such stuffed animals appeared on the territory of the Park of Glory. By the way, it was in this park today, May 9, that the occupying “celebrations” were held for the so-called “Victory Day”.

In Kherson invaders were hung warnings – stuffed dead soldiers in the park

Effigies of imprisoned infidels appeared in Kherson/Photo by Khu@evy Kherson

How the parade of Russians in Kherson was held

Russian servicemen staged a celebration of the propaganda “Victory Day” on May 9. To do this, in the Park of Glory, the Russians barely gathered people ready to raise the flags of an already non-existent state and an aggressor country.

The occupiers barely managed to gather people for the rally – usually thousands of Kherson residents gathered on the go, but this year the Russians had difficulty managed to find the “extra”. People chanted pro-Russian exclamations and carried the tricolor along with Soviet flags.

There are no general shooting plans for the unfortunate parade – they are only enlarged so as not to show the real scale (and they are scanty). Usually in Kherson, thousands of people celebrated in a column.

An impromptu “parade” with a handful of people, of course, is broadcast by Russian propaganda channels.

Earlier it was reported that people for the “parade” would be brought in from Crimea. They planned to bring people in order to make a good picture for the pro-Kremlin propaganda channels. All those who contribute to this and support the “celebration” are traitors to Ukraine, who will be responsible for their actions.

In the Kherson region, events of infidels also took place. Events were held in towns and villages: rallies, flower laying, concerts. There were few local residents. The bulk of the participants were the Russian military themselves, collaborators appointed by leaders of various levels and persons brought from Crimea.

See also: There is no limit to cynicism! What the Rashists have turned Kherson into

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