Home » In Italy, for the first time, they will be judged for “hiring” a guy who left to fight on the side of Ukraine

In Italy, for the first time, they will be judged for “hiring” a guy who left to fight on the side of Ukraine

by alex

In Italy, for the first time, they will be judged for “hiring” Italian/Collage 24 Channel

In the Italian city of Genoa, the prosecutor's office announced charges against a 19-year-old Italian for fighting in Ukraine on the side of the Armed Forces. They called him a mercenary.


Deputy Prosecutor of Genoa Marco Zocco accuses Kevin Chiappalone of being a mercenary who joined the “Ukrainian International Brigade” (probably referring to the International Legion).

Italy's General Investigation and Special Operations Department launched an investigation after interview given by Chiappalone to Panorama weekly. In a commentary to reporters, he said that he decided to help in the defense of Ukraine after Vladimir Putin's statements about “denazification”.

The investigation noted that the 19-year-old Italian had no military experience and left the country in May, probably arriving in Ukraine through the Polish border. From his photo in social networks it follows that after military training he ended up in the Donbass.

So far, Chiappalone is the only suspect in the case, but the investigation does not exclude that other Italian citizens may fight in Ukraine, and there may exist in the country “network of recruiters”.

What punishment threatens the Italian

The Italian, if proven guilty, faces from two to seven years in prison. According to ANSA, this is the first accusation of “hiring” brought against an Italian citizen due to participation in the war in Ukraine.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the war, a special unit “International Defense Legion of Ukraine” was created under the Ministry of Defense. It included volunteers from around the world. At the beginning of March, volunteers and veterans from 52 countries of the world joined him.

Intelligence chief Kirill Budanov thanked the fighters for their intention to protect the Ukrainian land and people. After all, now any help is worth its weight in gold. Ukraine “highly appreciates the friendly and fraternal shoulder provided at a difficult moment.”

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