Home » In Energodar, the car of the local Gauleiter of the Volga was shot, – media

In Energodar, the car of the local Gauleiter of the Volga was shot, – media

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc137="" class="news-annotation">In the occupied Energodar, the car of Gauleiter Alexander Volga was probably shot. He himself seemed to have survived.

Such information appeared in telegram channels on the evening of October 11th. Volga was wounded, but survived.

Gauleiter was hospitalized

It is noted that the collaborator was taken away by an ambulance with gunshot wounds. A video was published on the network of how he was brought into the car of doctors. At the same time, someone nearby shouts: “Volga, damn it, hold on, bro.”

A Gauleiter was wounded in Energodar: video

All 6 power units at Zaporizhya NPP were shut down

Russian invaders are blackmailing employees of Zaporozhye NPP. The occupiers apply so-called “filtration measures” to some of the personnel and their families. Workers are required to formalize Russian passports and sign contracts with Rosatom.

Moreover, on October 11, the invaders turned off all 6 units of the station. The reconnaissance found out that the power supply of the nuclear power plant, including security systems, is carried out at the expense of the overhead line VL-750 kV “Dneprovskaya”.

Recall that the Russians are constantly shelling the territory of the nuclear power plant. Ukrainian specialists have recently repaired a high-voltage communication line. At present, the Zaporizhzhya NPP has been connected to the power grid of Ukraine. On October 8, as a result of an attack on Zaporozhye, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant was completely de-energized.

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