Home » In Dnipro, a man was buried right in the middle of the yard: what the police say

In Dnipro, a man was buried right in the middle of the yard: what the police say

by alex

In the Dnipro district of the city of Dnipro, locals discovered a man's grave right on the territory of a residential building. The police noted that no injuries were found on the body of the deceased.

A representative of the press service of the Main Police Department of the Dnepropetrovsk region in a commentary on Channel 24 confirmed that on February 6, law enforcement agencies received a message. In fact, it says that residents of one of the residential buildings in the Dnipro district discovered the grave of a man in the courtyard of the house.

Criminal proceedings have been opened

It is known that experts did not find bodily injuries on the man's body. That is, we have to say that he died a natural death. However, law enforcement officers still opened proceedings under the article on premeditated murder.

On this fact, criminal proceedings were initiated on preliminary legal qualification – article 115 of the Criminal Code marked “natural death”. The body has been sent for a forensic examination to determine the cause of death, a spokesman for the police press service told Channel 24.

Pay attention!You should always remember what to do when a loved one dies. If this happened during the day, then you should immediately call the local doctor, and if at night – an ambulance. In addition, you need to get a report from the police examination of the corpse. If there is such a need, then law enforcement officers have the right to issue a referral for a forensic autopsy. to 9 years in prison. It is known that he was a photographer, recruited children and filmed them in the nude.

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