Home » In Chinese Zhoushan, the sky turned terribly red: apocalyptic photos and videos

In Chinese Zhoushan, the sky turned terribly red: apocalyptic photos and videos

by alex

Blood-red sky over the city of Zhoushan/Channel 24 collage

Over the Chinese port city of Zhoushan, located in the province of Zhejiang, the sky turned eerily blood red. The locals were seriously afraid that Armageddon had begun.

Apocalyptic photos and videos of a bloody dove began to massively circulate online. However, later the local media reported that there was nothing to be afraid of, because the eerie color of the sky led to an unusual refraction of light.

Bloody sky over a Chinese city

Panic can be heard in the videos that locals have started uploading online. Residents of the city recorded how the sky turned blood red under thick layers of fog on May 7 and assumed the apocalypse had begun.

The news about the red sky has become the most popular topic on social networks, in particular on Twitter and the Chinese Weibo. On the Douyin platform, an analogue of tektok, users are convinced that the phenomenon is a bad sign associated with another wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that has begun to gain momentum in neighboring Shanghai. Panic spreads among the local population:

  • “Accidents happen”;
  • “Food stocks need to be produced urgently,” the Chinese wrote on social media.

Meteorologists have denied the apocalypse

Zhoushan Meteorological Bureau staff denied the concerns of the townspeople. They noted that the blood-red color of the sky is the result of an unusual refraction of light, and not a large-scale catastrophe or the beginning of the apocalypse.

fishing boats located near the port, meteorologists emphasized.

Also, one version suggests that solid particles formed as a result of a large-scale eruption in January 2022 of the Tonga volcano .

In addition, the researchers suggested that the bloody the red sky may be the result of geomagnetic storms caused by explosions on the Sun. However, the Chinese media refuted this version, noting that no solar activity anomalies have been recorded in recent days.

Chinese Zhoushan sky turned terribly red: apocalyptic photos and videos

Blood-red sky over Chinese city Zhoushan/Photo Douyin/zsgd93

By the way, historians have found documents dating back to the 18th century from China, Korea and Japan. There are references to similar eyewitness reports regarding the eerie blood-red color of the sky, so this is not the first time such a phenomenon has occurred in the region.

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