Home » In Bulgaria, pro-Russian deputies tried to prevent military assistance to Ukraine: what the court decided

In Bulgaria, pro-Russian deputies tried to prevent military assistance to Ukraine: what the court decided

by alex

Since the beginning of the large-scale war, Bulgaria has been the state that supported Ukraine with weapons. Obviously, the pro-Russian political forces sitting in Sofia did not like this, so they filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court.

The fact that Bulgaria at first secretly transferred military equipment to the Armed Forces became known only a few months ago. Also sometimes she did it openly. However, on March 7, the country's Constitutional Court ruled whether such support could be considered legal. It is important that the lawsuit was filed by a group of pro-Russian deputies in the Bulgarian parliament.

Petition denied

Note that 50 elected representatives of such forces as Renaissance and the Bulgarian Socialist Party are involved in this lawsuit. Apparently, these political organizations are financed by the Kremlin. However, the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria rejected their petition, recognizing support for Ukraine as legal .

The decision was made by nine votes in favor and one against. Judge Yanaki Stoilov was against it. The meeting was attended by 10 constitutional judges.

Recall that on December 9 (December 16 – finally) the Bulgarian Parliament decided to provide military and military-technical assistance to Ukraine. In particular, a group of pro-Russian forces wanted to recognize this initiative as unconstitutional, but they failed to achieve what they wanted.

Note! From official data, it was known that since the start of a large-scale war, as of the end of 2022, Bulgaria has also provided humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 448 million lions (243 million dollars).

This is about:

  • 2,000 helmets;
  • 2,000 bulletproof vests;
  • 350 medical kits;
  • 5,000 sets of winter clothes;
  • 5,000 pairs of winter shoes.

Finally, we note that the Euractiv publication wrote that for the last two years – that is, before February 24, 2022 – Bulgarian weapons arrived in Ukraine and helped to destroy the Russian occupiers.

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