Home » If you die, then in Ukraine – a migrant Daria about a new home and unwillingness to go abroad

If you die, then in Ukraine – a migrant Daria about a new home and unwillingness to go abroad

by alex

Daria spoke about a new home in Lviv/Collage of 24 channels

The war brought a lot of grief and suddenly changed the lives of all Ukrainians. This happened to 19-year-old Daria, who was caught in the war in Kharkov, away from her family.


Daria is from Berdyansk in the Zaporozhye region, but on February 24, the girl was in Kharkov to study. Daria spoke about her new home and her unwillingness to go abroad in an exclusive interview as part of the SVOI project on Channel 24.

About her desire to stay in Ukraine

The girl said that all her friends and acquaintances went home on the first day, and she actually stayed on her own. The girl's family and boyfriend were in the Zaporozhye region, so for the first 4 days Daria tried with all her might to go to them.

In fact, I have an opinion that I still adhere to: if you die, then in Ukraine. I don't want to go abroad yet. I stayed in Kharkov for almost a month. The first 4 days of the war, when Berdyansk was not yet occupied, I tried with all my might to go home. But I couldn't find a way to get there, – shared Daria.

Subsequently, the girl went to a relative who also lived in Kharkov. But this turned out to be a mistake, because she lived near the airport, on which the Russians first of all dropped bombs. According to her, they were constantly under fire, they learned about air raid alerts only from telegram channels, because the sirens were not heard.

About the new house in Lviv

Daria said that after the invaders hit the airport, she realized that she had to leave. Thanks to friends and volunteers, the girl was able to get to Lviv, where he was accepted into the family.

Daria shared that the family received her with warmth and love. In the “new” family, she helps with household chores to somehow thank for the hospitality.

I was accepted into the family as an older sister – the family has a 5-year-old daughter and 15 year old son. I actually became a nanny and an older sister. We became friends with the children. I do ordinary things here, like at home: I clean, I help, I cook. I quickly became a part of the family. There were no problems, – the girl said.

However, Daria really misses her relatives and parental home. “A home is a home. Every day I think about what I want to go back to Berdyansk. Even though it is small. I really want to see my mother, whom I have not seen for half a year. Dad…”, shared Daria.

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