Home » If Ukraine gets tired, the war will not stop, but will simply go on – Zelenskaya

If Ukraine gets tired, the war will not stop, but will simply go on – Zelenskaya

by alex

If Ukraine stops resisting the Russian aggressor, the war will not stop, but will spread throughout the world.

First Lady of Ukraine Elena Zelenskaya wrote about this in her essay for the Halifax Security Forum.

She emphasized that Russia’s war against our state is a war in the global world, an attack on all international agreements and on human rights.

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— Therefore, the question: What do you think about the fact that people in the world are tired of reading news about the war in Ukraine, which I hear too often in interviews with the international press, puts me in a stupor. If a Ukrainian soldier, despite the furious opposition of the enemy and the loss of his brothers-in-arms, is not tired of liberating Ukrainian land, if Ukrainians, despite grief and tears, are not tired of protecting their children and their future, then how can people somewhere in a safe country get tired of scrolling through the feed? news? And if Ukraine gets tired, the war will not stop. “She will just move on,” Zelenskaya emphasized.

The First Lady compared the Russian attack to global pollution or an epidemic. She noted that if this is not stopped in time, it could spread and cover other countries.

Zelenskaya asked if the world wants the aggressor to remain unpunished and continue? Does this new world order want this? The First Lady emphasized that the empire will not stop, and therefore it needs to be stopped, which is exactly what Ukraine is doing now.

The Security Forum in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) was founded in 2009. It is known as the world's largest security conference for democratic countries.

The annual forum attracts the attention of many high-ranking officials, including senior military officers, government officials, members of the US Senate and global industry leaders, as well as leading journalists, strategists and human rights advocates from around the world.

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