< IMG Title = "If the Russian Federation requires the presidential election in Ukraine, let him conduct them at home - the Poland Foreign Minister" Width = "632" Height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/27/gettyimage-2012004262-632x356.jpg" class = "Attachment-_as_632_356 Size -_as_632_356 WP-Post-Image "Alt =" Sіkorsky " srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/27/gettyimages-2012004262-632x356.jpg 632W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/27/getyimages-2012004262-300x169.jpg 300w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/27/getyimages-2012004262-768x432.jpg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/27/getyimages-2012004262-200x113.jpg 200W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2024/02/27/getyimages-2012004262.jpg 1280W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 632PX) 100V, 632PX " decoding = "async" /> < p > so that all participants in possible peace negotiations have a legitimate democratic mandate, presidential elections should be held not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia.
< p >This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radoslav Sikorsky during a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee on February 19, writes European truth. 62> Poland position regarding the elections in Ukraine< p > he noted that the issue of elections in Ukraine should be resolved in accordance with the country's constitution. At the same time, if Russia insists on the need for democratic confirmation of the powers of the parties to the negotiations, the elections should also take place in the Russian Federation.
now they are watching < Blockquote >< P > is a matter of the Ukrainian constitution. But if Russia demands that all participants in the negotiation process have a democratic mandate, then perhaps democratic elections should be held both in Ukraine and in Russia, ”said the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry.
60 ~/BlockQuote > < p > to the question about Poland’s position regarding the possible election of the President of Ukraine before the end of the war, Sikorsky emphasized that this is an internal question of Ukraine.
< h2 > demand of the Russian Federation for elections in Ukraine supported Trump< p > US President Donald Trump expressed support for the requirements of the Russian Federation on the need for presidential elections in Ukraine. 62> Washington and Moscow are discussing a three -stage plan for the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine. It provides for the termination of hostilities, the organization of elections in Ukraine and the subsequent signing of the final agreement.
< p > special representative of the US President on the Russian-Ukrainian War, Keith Kellogue said that the presidential and parliamentary elections should be held in Ukraine.
< p > However, now they are impossible due to the operation of martial law, which provides for the restriction of the electoral process in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. 62>< p >