Home » “If 2022 was different”: a series of photos were presented on the network, how the war changed us

“If 2022 was different”: a series of photos were presented on the network, how the war changed us

by alex

The war started by Russia in Ukraine not only brought great destruction and losses, but also showed that we are a great people. Politicians, diplomats, soldiers, doctors and other Ukrainians work every day to drive the enemy out of our land.

Andrey Shevchuk, an expert in visual communications, presented his vision of what 2022 would have been like if not for the Russian invasion.

On his Facebook page, Shevchuk suggested recalling our 2022, which is already coming to an end. In photo comparisons, he jokingly predicted what would happen to famous Ukrainians if it were not for a full-scale war.

For example, now President Volodymyr Zelensky has become the world's first politician. Over the course of a year, he represented our country at many international venues, and there are probably almost no civilized countries left now that the Ukrainian leader would not speak before the parliament.

Andriy Shevchuk joked that if it were not for the war, the president would have managed to there are breakfasts of the wife of Elena Zelenskaya. This reminds us of the funny moment when Zelenskiy lamented in an interview with CNN that now “no one cooks breakfast for him.” The reaction of Elena Zelenskaya was eloquent and gave rise to many memes.

“If 2022 were different”/Photo by Andriy Shevchuk

Other photographs show people who, without exaggeration, make a huge contribution to our victory, for example:

  • Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny,
  • Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov,
  • Head of the Mykolaiv OVA Vitaliy Kim.

Also, the photographs rather satirically depict Aleksey Arestovich, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President, who now has insane media attention.

But , as it seems to us, the most important result of 2022 is that the Ukrainians have proved their inflexibility. And if it were not for our defenders, volunteers, doctors and ordinary Ukrainians, the world would not have known about it. Now the whole world admires us, so with such support, a thirst for justice and an army, we simply cannot help but defeat the enemy.

Meanwhile, the invaders, suffering more and more defeats at the front, are using extremely dangerous thermobaric ammunition in Ukraine which are prohibited. The invaders use them against the civilian population, shelling residential areas. This was announced by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov. He stressed that Russia constantly violates the Convention on Certain Types of Weapons.

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