Home » “I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I don’t understand its length”: a political scientist on political battles in the USA

“I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I don’t understand its length”: a political scientist on political battles in the USA

by alex

For several months, the United States has been unable to reach an agreement on the allocation of assistance to Ukraine in the amount of more than $60 billion. One of the reasons for this delay is the election campaign in the United States and the confrontation between Democrats and Republicans.

Political scientist Oleg Lesnoy told 24 Channel that the United States is now going through a difficult period, when inter-party conflict has worsened. At the same time, American politicians must come to their senses and remember that the United States is a global superpower.

What -goes wrong

He noted that the United States has always been distinguished from Ukraine and other states of the world, on which the world order does not depend, by one important factor. Whenever the slightest threat to its superpower status arises in the United States, then politicians unite and regain this status. This happened repeatedly. However, in the current situation, something is going wrong.

The domestic political agenda dominates, and at some points it is irrational. The ultimate goal of those who commit such actions is unknown. If it exists, according to Lesnoy, then there is logic. However, what happens is that the situation constantly rolls back, it is in motion. However, this movement is neither forward nor backward, but is marking time.

But I remain optimistic. I see light at the end of the tunnel, but I don’t understand its length. Ultimately, Ukraine must receive help from the United States. However, what is happening in the United States now is like a dance that looks like this: one step forward, two steps back,” Oleg Lesnoy emphasized.

For both political forces and for Americans, the political scientist is sure, the status of a superpower that solves problems still means something.

“If I'm wrong, then the story will not be very pleasant. However, as I said when – Winston Churchill, “Americans always make the right decisions, but before that they test all possible options.” Therefore, now is exactly such a case,” he noted.

What's happening in the USA

  • The decision-making process on providing assistance to Ukraine by the US Congress has been put on hold again on pause. The House of Representatives, which was supposed to vote on the bill, went on recess.
  • The White House criticized this decision and noted that “every day that Speaker Johnson (Speaker of the House of Representatives) “Channel 24) is causing our national security to deteriorate, America is losing.” This also affects the decline in the “authority of the Republicans in Congress among the American people.” allies and the shortage of ammunition among the ZSU led to a critical situation that developed in Avdiivka.
  • Joseph Biden, after a conversation with Vladimir Zelensky, in particular about the withdrawal of Ukrainian units from Avdiivka, said that this occurred after “Ukrainian soldiers had to ration ammunition due to dwindling supplies due to Congressional inaction.” This, he said, led to “Russia’s first noticeable successes in recent months.”

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