Home » “I personally am very much for Putin”: an emigrant to the USA praised Russia and the Kremlin regime

“I personally am very much for Putin”: an emigrant to the USA praised Russia and the Kremlin regime

by alex

An emigrant from Moldova criticized the United States and supported Putin’s actions / Collage 24 Channel

An emigrant from Moldova, who has been living in the United States for 43 years, said that he does not like the country where he moved. Moreover, he stated that he supports the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, the interviewee’s wife said that Russians who want to emigrate to the United States should better stay in their homeland. But it is the spouses who do not want to return to Russia.

The emigrant supported Putin’s actions and criticized the United States

During a street interview in New Jersey, a Russian-speaking man met an emigrant who moved to the United States with his wife 43 years ago. Then the author of the video asked the couple what they liked most about the USA.

A Russian-speaking woman responded that they “don’t like anything at all” in the United States. At the same time, the emigrant said that now the United States “is no longer the same to which it moved.”

According to him, there is supposedly no freedom of speech in the country. What outraged the man most was that you can no longer drive drunk, because the police can fine you or confiscate your license or vehicle.

“America is not a gift,” he concluded.

An emigrant praises Russia and criticizes the USA / Video from TikTok @nosovusa

Further, in a conversation with the interviewer, the man began to praise Vladimir Putin’s regime in Russia, saying that it is better when compared with the current US President, Joe Biden.

In addition, he also advised Russians thinking about moving to the United States not to do so.

I personally am very much for Putin and I think that everything he does is very correct. “I think that it will be better in Russia if they (Russians who want to emigrate to the USA – Channel 24) stay there,” he emphasized.

The emigrant's wife also said that in the US “in 10 years no one will speak English.” At the same time, when asked whether the man planned to return to his homeland, he replied that he was not considering the option of moving back to Russia, because supposedly at their age it was already “too late” to do so.

Russian emigrants do not like the USA

  • Previously, a video of a Russian emigrant who moved to the United States in 2018 was distributed online. Yes, the man claimed that he hated this country, but for some reason he continued to live there.
  • At the same time, the man claimed that he wanted to return to his native Siberia to die there. And he explained his hatred of the United States that “that’s how he was raised.”
  • In addition, in the spirit of Russian propaganda, he said that in New York, even the curbs are covered with metal, and “ordinary people should be hunched over this,” which makes him very angry.

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