Home » I have never prayed like this in my life – Love about the evacuation from Nikolaev, the shelling and the destroyed city

I have never prayed like this in my life – Love about the evacuation from Nikolaev, the shelling and the destroyed city

by alex

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Nikolaev has become a fortress that stopped the advance of the invaders in the South. The enemy mercilessly fired at him, destroying the city and raging from the invincibility of the Nikolaevites. Unfortunately, many were forced to leave for other regions. One of them was Lyubov Krotenko.

Lyubov Krotenko's life before the war, as well as the beginning of the invasion, the long evacuation and the new life – read in the interview within the project OWN on Channel 24.

Lyubov Krotenko comes from Nikolaev and remembers his city with awe in his heart and a twinkle in his eyes. She admits that Nikolaev is her favorite city, which is surrounded by two rivers – the Ingul and the Southern Bug. She is sincerely in love with him and cannot imagine life without the atmosphere of the city on the water.

Before the full-scale invasion, the woman worked as a teacher at the music school in Nikolaev. Favorite job, many students, own children, family. However, everything changed on the night of February 24.

How did the war start for you?

The full-scale invasion was unexpected for me. After all, despite all the talk that something was about to begin, I did not believe in it until the very end. I assumed that, perhaps, some events would begin, far in the East. Maybe some technique will work. But so that it got to us, and the Russians were generally advancing on central Ukraine, for me it was a surprise.

My dog ​​for the first time on February 23 began to worry for no reason. He whined, jumped on the windowsill and for some reason was awake. I also thought maybe he was sick. This has never happened. And he did not sleep until about 1 am.

I woke up from a call from a neighbor who said: “Lyuba, we are packing our bags and leaving for Lviv the war has begun.” I think she dreamed it, or something. I couldn't believe it. She asked if I heard explosions. To which I replied that I had not heard.

You see, the military airport is far from us. In addition, I did not sleep half the night and fell asleep very late, and therefore I overslept everything a little. I went outside with my dog. I think what kind of evacuation is there, I'm going for a walk, I need to walk the dog, and then I'll think of something. And I see that people with suitcases are coming out of all the entrances. And then I realized that something was really wrong, because, you know, such a silence began, which is very disturbing.

Lyubov Krotenko with a dog/Photo provided Channel 24

When did you realize that the situation was critical?

When the news started coming in. Then we already understood that the situation is very serious, and this is not happening somewhere far away. And right here. There was a lot of fear. Fear of uncertainty. Because we understood that already on February 24 the tanks were near Kherson and entered the city. And we understood that from Kherson to Nikolaev – 40 km. This, if anything, half an hour to go.

When the tanks had already entered, it was scary whether they would pass. So far there were no such fortifications. 3 tanks came very close, literally 200 meters from the center. Then there were tank battles. They were burned, but they say that our people suffered greatly.

Lyubov has two children. It was for them that the woman was most afraid.

Of course, then there was fear for the children. We immediately disappeared products in stores, there was nothing. There was no bread, no eggs. It was very scary, because I remembered my grandmother's stories about the siege of Leningrad. Somehow I remember it so well. They then lived in hunger and isolation.In order to get into the city, you need to pass two bridges. One bridge rises vertically, the other turns across. And if they are blocked, if they are blown up, and they were mined from the first day, then it turns out that we are in the boiler. And we understood that what happened to Mariupol could happen to us. Therefore, it was a quest for me to find food and water. There were constant alarms and shelling in the city.

Due to the fact that Nikolaev was the first after Kherson to take the blow of the enemy, there was a difficult situation in the city. Ukrainian defenders fought back the enemy at the cost of their own lives.

A friend called me and said: “We need to get help to the hospital quickly, everything is needed!” I asked what was needed. She said to cook potatoes and vegetables, because the doctors went on duty and did not go home. In Nikolaev, the wounded immediately began to arrive. We gave away everything that was in the house – some pillows, blankets, towels. Then I told her that I have nothing new. To which she replied:

Darling, you don't understand. They (the wounded soldiers – Channel 24) have nothing. They bring in the wounded and throw them all away.

Then, I remember, I boiled potatoes, vegetables, baked fritters, several jars of jam. Everything that was in the house.

When did you decide to evacuate from Nikolaev?

At first we thought not to leave. It was so calm, there were no shelling. But somewhere on the fifth day, artillery shelling began. Because the occupiers have entered Kherson, and have already placed a lot of MLRS installations between Kherson and Nikolaev: Tornadoes, Grads, Peonies. Then we already learned these words.

I remember waking up from hearing explosions. It was at night, but the whole sky was like New Year's fireworks. And it was not clear whether it was far or close. But we realized that if the artillery went, then there would be no area that would be safe.

And we thought that we need to take the children out. If it wasn't for the kids, I might have been there for a while longer. But I understood that the children had to leave, we had to take them out. Children should not see all this. This is remembered for a lifetime.

On the very first day, our station was bombed. So going by train is not an option. The bus station was also closed. Instead, there were private minibuses. We just started looking for information about some private minibuses and finally found a driver.

We called by phone around March 5, but we were told that the minibus had already been dialed. I then say: “And the next day?” To which they answered: “We do not book for the next day. Do you understand that there is only now? Because we do not know what will happen in half an hour.”

Mistress Love talks about the evacuation/Photo 24 channel

Suddenly, at 23:00, they called me and said that the family had refused. Then we were asked if we would go the next day, but the answer had to be given already. It was such a shock for me, because we have a dog, children, I also have a 66-year-old mother and sister. That is, I understood that if you go, then everyone should go. I agreed.

It was very scary when we got up in the morning and did not understand whether we would leave. That is, I had the feeling that if we cross this bridge, we are already, consider, almost in Lviv. But if not, then that's it: the minibus drops people off, alarm, shelling, you have to run somewhere. Where to run? There were no shelters.

We arrived at the bridge. I have never prayed as much as I did that day. Because it seemed to me that this bridge was a kind of barrier to another world. We had to travel only 20 kilometers to Odessa. We passed the bridge and everyone already exhaled, as if we had already been at least somewhere in central Ukraine. And this despite the fact that we drove to Odessa for 6 hours.

Was the road difficult?

We were driving without signs because they got hit. Even the children didn't cry. There was nothing. Such, you know, numbness, as if everyone understood that they were leaving … That is, time stopped. .

We went to Frankovsk because my ex-husband and father-in-law and mother-in-law live here. We were received by their distant relatives, for which we are very grateful to them.

Are you working? How is work going now?

I work at the music school in Nikolaev. We didn't work in March. We were put on idle, banned from working remotely, because there was no money in the budget. But now since September we have been allowed to work online. Almost all the children left, of course, abroad or to another territory of Ukraine. We have now contacted all of them and are working online.

Did you come to Nikolaev after you had to leave?

I went to Nikolaev in September, because it was necessary according to the documentation. Then I did not recognize the city. In my area, very far from Kherson, there is not a single window. All windows are completely shattered.

There has also been no water since April. The rest are courageous people. After some time, salt water appeared in the tap, but the people of Nikolaev are happy about this, because they can use it for technical needs, for example, to wash dishes or at least flush the toilet.

When I went to street, I noticed that people are completely different. On the face of the rest one can see such an expression: just to survive.

What does the residential area of ​​Nikolaev look like/Photos provided by Channel 24

What are your plans after victory? Will you return to Nikolaev?

It is clear that I am going to return! Thank God, Kherson has already been liberated, but there is still no water in Nikolaev. The shelling of the city continues. So this academic year, that is, until the end of spring, we decided to stay here. The eldest son went to college in Frankivsk, and the youngest continued his full-time studies here at school.

Well, for the summer, I really hope, I'm sure that we will return, because the city is beautiful. The city is beautiful and comfortable. I really want to go home. The soul reaches home.

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