Home » Hysteria in Moscow over Borrell's statement after Bucha – Feigin

Hysteria in Moscow over Borrell's statement after Bucha – Feigin

by alex

Feygin spoke about the Kremlin's reaction to Borrell's statements/Shutterstock

Russia is trying with propaganda and fakes to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine from our allied states. The Kremlin understands that new weapons can have a serious impact on the outcome of military clashes.

This was announced by Russian human rights activist Mark Feygin on Channel 24. He noted that Moscow again failed to stop deliveries, but, on the contrary, they even increased. cke-markup”>There is hysteria in Moscow because of Borrell's statement after Bucha, as he said that a military result should be achieved,” Feigin emphasized.

According to him, Russia was indignant that the chief diplomat of the European Union, Josep Borrell, declared the need for a military result, and did not call for peace and negotiations.

Russia is doing everything to stop deliveries

According to Feigin, any adequate person who would see the horrors in Bucha and other settlements of Ukraine affected by Russian invaders would hardly think about negotiations.

Surely anyone (not just Borrell, who is in charge of EU foreign policy) will decide that only military arms supplies to Ukraine can end the war. That is why Moscow is doing everything to stop them,” the human rights activist summed up.

Recall that on April 8, European leaders Ursula von der Leyen and Josep Borrell arrived in Kyiv. They visited Bucha, where they saw the terrible atrocities of the Russian military with their own eyes.

Feigin spoke about Moscow's hysteria because of Borrell's statements: watch the video

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