Home » Hundreds die every day: Russian officer complains that less than 80 people are left from the regiment

Hundreds die every day: Russian officer complains that less than 80 people are left from the regiment

by alex

Russian units suffer losses every day, but Putin needs victories/”Ukrainian Pravda”

There are so many Russian occupying troops on the territory of Ukraine that in some sectors of the front they do not reduce the scale of the offensive, despite huge losses. At the same time, many battalion-tactical groups have generally lost their combat effectiveness, but the approach of the sacred date for Putin – May 9, does not allow the generals to stop.

According to Channel 24 sources in the Ukrainian special services, the Russian invaders are desperately trying to at least reach the borders of the Lugansk region, so that during the act of “victory insanity” the Kremlin Fuhrer could boast at least something. Since, before a full-scale offensive, the newly-minted Hitler promised to “liberate the Donbass”, the story of the capture of part of Kherson and Zaporozhye is unlikely to satisfy Russian society.

If we forget about the propaganda statements about the “seizure of Mariupol on February 25” and the “goodwill gesture” in the form of an escape from the Chernihiv, Kiev and Sumy regions, the Kremlin dictator really has nothing to show the population that seeks the destruction of Ukraine.

Each of the declared tasks is a failure

Despite the thousands of dead civilians, as well as the heavy losses suffered by the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, border guards, policemen, national guardsmen and territorial defenders, Ukraine has not faltered in the military sense. Although the Russians inflicted significant blows on infrastructure, fuel depots, ranges, airports and factories, Putin was unable to knock out aviation, air defense and carry out “demilitarization”. I even achieved the opposite result, since the defenders of Ukraine seized a large amount of Russian equipment, and Western countries began to fully supply us with weapons.

From a political point of view, the Kremlin is losing leverage over our state every day, since somehow changing the government and forcing the people of Ukraine to capitulate looks utopian. It follows from this that the invaders also fail the tasks of “denazification”, because initially the Moscow Fuhrer seemed to have invested in this period precisely the change of regime in Ukraine.

As for the attack on the Donbass, here the situation is as of 4 May remains difficult for Ukraine, but there is no talk of any encirclement of troops or entry of invaders to the borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

In fact, Putin has failed on each of the fronts, but he is not going to crawl away, because stopping the war will mean defeat for him. Therefore, the invaders continue to mobilize unprepared conscripts to send them to the combat zone, desperately storm the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass, and also try to advance in Zaporozhye and the Kherson region.

To obtain the desired victory, which can be said on May 9, the occupiers are in a hurry to create quasi-republics in the occupied territories of the South, introduce rubles into circulation, and also try to transfer business to work with Crimea. The main problem of the Russian General Staff is that even the Kherson region is not fully controlled by Russia, and for the “second army of the world” such achievements during a full-scale war with a “country that does not exist” is a complete shame.

All these nuances are fully understood by the personnel of the Russian military, at least roughly estimating the scale of the failure. According to reports sent by one of the staff officers of the army, who is in Zaporozhye, the invaders will not be able to capture the regional center to increase the territories temporarily controlled by Russia until May 9.

They really want to take Zaporozhye, but no one will get there

Each of the attempts of the Russian invaders to pass Gulyaipole and move further into Zaporizhzhia faces huge resistance from all the units defending the settlement. Artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to the invader, works daily from morning to night. Therefore, the entire middle level of the officers of many units is forced to be based in the basements.

Moreover, out of more than 2,400 motorized rifle regiments, less than 80 remained. Each of those who are still alive has minor injuries and shell shock. In addition, some occupiers have gone mad from the constant fighting and seeing death. Seriously wounded are sometimes impossible to evacuate, as drivers from medical units refuse to go to the front line and demand that the “300” be brought to the rear.

The officer of the Horde troops cannot in any way ensure the offensive by the efforts of the defeated battalion tactical groups and asks to bring the personnel on rotation. He argued this by the fact that none of the survivors wants to go into battle, and daily losses of advanced units in Zaporozhye amount to at least 200 people who died, and most of the existing personnel are conscripts 19-20 years old.

The main motivation is money

According to the Ukrainian special services, some Russian generals understand that soldiers have an animal fear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also go into battle solely because of the fear of executions from outside of his command. Such motivation does not help the Russians in any way to advance and fulfill the tasks set in the Kremlin, therefore, for a week now, the personnel of the invading units have been told about the increase in surcharges for combat. If from mid-April the occupants should be paid 8,000 rubles a day, then from May 1, these surcharges are promised to be increased to 15,000. For many occupiers, such motivation is not enough at all, since they do not even expect to return home.

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