Home » How will the metro and ground transport in Kyiv work on New Year's Eve

How will the metro and ground transport in Kyiv work on New Year's Eve

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc147="" class="news-annotation">City officials urged not to ignore air raid warnings during the New Year and Christmas holidays. The mayor's office also reminded that a curfew and a ban on pyrotechnics also apply on New Year's Eve.

The city authorities urged the people of Kiev and guests of the capital to observe security measures during the New Year and Christmas holidays so as not to endanger themselves and others.

How public transport will work on New Year's Eve

The subway in transportation mode, as on the other day, will work until 22:00, and ground public transport – until 22:30. Accordingly, after 23:00, and even more so after 00:00, public transport, including the subway, will not work.

At the same time, during an air raid, ground transport, as well as ground sections of the subway, will stop .

The curfew will not be canceled for the New Year

The city authorities reminded that it is necessary to strictly observe the curfew, which lasts from 23:00 to 05:00. At this time, it is forbidden to be on the street and other public places.

On New Year's Eve, nothing will change. The city authorities urged Kyivans to plan their return home in advance, given the restrictions and requirements of martial law. In the Kyiv Digital app, you can turn on a notification that will remind you of the beginning of the curfew after 60 minutes.

Curfew violators endanger themselves and create conflict situations with law enforcement and forces city ​​defense. Traveling around the city during the curfew is possible only by car with a special pass, the message says.

You can only go outside during the curfew in order to go to the nearest shelter in case of an air alert. You need to have an identity document with you.

Pay attention! In Kyiv, there is a ban on the sale and launch of fireworks, salutes and pyrotechnics. So law enforcement will respond to such cases.

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