Home » How to recognize a chemical attack and protect yourself: PhD Repic's important tips

How to recognize a chemical attack and protect yourself: PhD Repic's important tips

by alex

Repic told how to recognize a chemical attack/The Drive

Russia is violating all the rules of war. Therefore, it is quite possible that the enemy can also use chemical weapons.

You can protect yourself from poisonous substances if you know some principles. Candidate of Chemical Sciences Gleb Repich spoke about them on the air of Channel 24.

He emphasized that the most important thing is not to neglect worries. After all, the worst thing that can happen is when a chemical attack finds you in an open area. If a poisonous liquid gets on a person, then there will be almost no chance of escaping.

How to recognize a chemical attack

A chemical attack signal is similar to an air raid signal , but has a short and long beep. We must remember that when a chemical strike is inflicted, the enemy does not report it.

  • Explosions

It can be shelling, air raid, missile attack. It may take some time for the military or the State Emergency Service to realize that this was a chemical attack.

Then you need to pay attention to additional signs of a chemical attack, primarily explosions. Explosions from chemical weapons will be different from regular shelling – there will be muffled explosions that cause minimal damage, but spray poisonous substances.

 How to recognize a chemical attack and defend yourself: important tips from Ph.D. Repich

Gleb Repich


The second important factor is the rapid mass death of small organisms – birds, small animals, and insects. Since they have a small body mass, they will die first.

  • Mass signs of poisoning

The next factor is the simultaneous mass manifestation of signs of poisoning by nerve agents in humans:

  • miosis (constriction of the pupils);
  • muscle twitching in places where drops of the substance hit the skin;
  • uncontrolled lacrimation, salivation;
  • nausea, vomiting;< /li>
  • weakness.

“In severe cases, loss of consciousness, convulsions, respiratory arrest, death. When such symptoms begin to appear en masse, this is a real sign of a chemical attack,” the chemist explained.

How to recognize a chemical attack and defend yourself: watch the video

What to do during a chemical attack

The most important thing is not to be in an open area during such an attack in order to drops of the substance did not fall on a person.

  • Find shelter

If you heard a signal of a chemical attack or realized that it was one, need find shelter – specialized bomb shelters or subways that will protect from outside air.

If this is not possible, even your apartment or a conventional bomb shelter can be protected from chemical weapons,” Repich noted.

It’s good if the apartment is on a high floor. After all, nerve fumes are much heavier than air – they will spread near the ground.

  • Sealing

Next, you need to seal the apartment as much as possible:

  • close the doors and windows tightly;
  • seal all the cracks;
  • close the ventilation openings ;
  • do not use air conditioners.

This will protect you from getting a lot of polluted air from the street.

  • Own degassing

If you come back from the street, your clothes and skin may already be contaminated with tiny droplets of these substances – an aerosol.

Everything that has been in contact with the environment, in particular clothing, should be left outside the apartment, and you yourself should carefully wash all areas of the skin with soap that have been in contact with the external environment.

How to recognize a chemical attack and defend yourself: important advice from Ph.D. Repic

Gleb Repic

PhD in Chemistry

  • Follow instructions from official bodies

It is important to turn on communications and listen to the instructions of the State Emergency Service on further actions. They will tell you how long you need to stay in shelters and information about the evacuation.

What to do during the evacuation

If people are taken out of the affected areas , you need to wear as tight clothes as possible, which will cover more parts of the skin.

Ideally, a gas mask should be placed on the face, which will protect the respiratory organs from these substances. If it is not there, a cotton-gauze bandage soaked in a solution of soda will do. This will slightly reduce the amount of poisonous substances that can enter the body.

Of course, a chemical protection suit is desirable. If it is not there, then even a raincoat, glasses, a cotton-gauze bandage, gloves, shoe covers will also be useful, the expert explained.

What to do when you are on outdoors

If you are caught by an attack in an open area, in any case, you need to get cover as soon as possible – any indoor area is better than just an open area. At least an aerosol of a poisonous substance will not get into a closed room.

If you are in a car, you should stand with raised windows, without air conditioning, leave the affected area as soon as possible.

What to do in case of a chemical hazard/Channel 24 infographic

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