Home » How to merge IPSO in two steps: a master class from Shoigu and Medvedev

How to merge IPSO in two steps: a master class from Shoigu and Medvedev

by alex

Russian propaganda generates a huge amount of fakes and manipulations every day, which in any other conditions would be a powerful information weapon. But not now.

Shoigu's “Plan”

After all, today the number of fakes from Rosprop does not mean quality, and a number of characters who are the sources of these fakes and manipulations are in themselves indicators of the quality of the information being relayed.

For example, the day before, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that as everything in their “special operation” always goes according to plan, and even slowing down the occupation of Ukraine is also according to plan.

The justification for the failure of the invasion of Ukraine, which, to put it mildly, has already bothered even the completely blinkered Russians, does not even betray the minimum efficiency. The phrase “everything is going according to plan” has long been a meme, and the Russian Defense Minister, who has lost more generals in six months than any other since the Second World War, not to mention the enlisted personnel, looks like a laughing stock.

Just another excuse and “everything is going according to plan” from the mouth of the general, who on July 3 reported to Putin about the “liberation” of some fake pseudo-republic, or rather the occupation of the entire Lugansk region, which is still not completely occupied and in the Belogorovka region, Russian occupation troops they regularly get punched in the teeth, it sounds like a confession of their own inferiority and incapacity.

What Medvedev talked about

And so, immediately the next day after Shoigu's convulsions, Medvedev decided to give a voice, which without smiles and surprise at the degree of damage to his brain by alcohol is impossible to read. Especially anticipating how wild nonsense he will relay with the strengthening of this defeat.

The fact is that Dimon decided to share his vision of a military coup in Ukraine. Big conspiracy of Zaluzhny against Zelensky!

Frankly, over the past six months, Russian propaganda has had many such hopes. I'm even thinking about creating a list of “the Kremlin's hopes.” For example, a fake that Europe and the United States are tired of the war in Ukraine and support is declining. Or a fake that Ukraine sells weapons on the black market, so they will no longer be transferred to it soon. Or that there are no more men in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and soon tens of thousands of women will be drafted into the army and sent to the front. Well, or that Zaluzhny is preparing a conspiracy against Zelensky.

I note that the fake about Zaluzhny’s conspiracy began to be cultivated in the Russian gray segment from mid-July, and then it was massively integrated into the Ukrainian environment due to latent pro-Russian sites.

In early August, this fake changed somewhat. So, from August 4, they began to spread a fake that Valery Zaluzhny reported to Volodymyr Zelensky that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had left Pesky and Avdiivka, which caused discontent of the president. It was to this episode that Russian propagandists planned to tie the further development of the IPSO about the conflict between the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Office of the President.

Fakes from which ears stick out

And now the most main. If earlier IPSO about the conflict between Zaluzhny and Zelensky and a certain coup were relayed mainly in the gray segment of the Runet and mediocre chatty heads, now a monkey with the status of an official spoke about this. That is, to put it simply, the very source of these rumors has been drained. No, not Medvedev. He is not the author of this IPSO. Obviously that would be funny. And his curators.

I mean that any talkative head in the Ukrainian segment who talks about the conflict between Zaluzhny and Zelensky should understand that the source of the stench emanating from her is more than perfectly known.< /p>

And in this case, how not to express gratitude to Dimon – with his drunken mooing, he helped to place markers in the future.

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