Home » How to get a taxi license and what is the responsibility for not having one?

How to get a taxi license and what is the responsibility for not having one?

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Taxi is a popular type of passenger transportation. To provide such services, you must have a special license. How to get a taxi license in Ukraine in 2024 – read the ICTV Facts material.

Do I need a taxi license

Free legal aid lawyers told ICTV Facts about what a taxi license is, how to get one, and what the fine is for transporting passengers without a license.

A taxi license gives drivers the right to carry out commercial activities and also ensures the safety and comfort of passengers. In many countries, obtaining it is mandatory.

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Lawyers noted that, according to clause 11 of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1001, the following requirements are established for drivers carrying out domestic and international transportation of passengers by taxi:

  • having a driver's license category B;
  • having at least three years of management experience in category B;
  • minimum age of a person is 21 years old.

How to get a taxi license in Ukraine 2024: what you will need and where to apply

To obtain a taxi license, you must contact the licensing authority – the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety.

It is possible to submit documents:

  • personally;
  • by mail with a list of attachments;
  • in electronic form using the portal of electronic services Dіya.

BPP lawyers noted that the list of documents submitted to obtain a license is provided for in Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine On licensing types of economic activities (clause 7 of the PKMU dated December 2, 2015 No. 1001 Licensing conditions for carrying out economic activities for the transportation of passengers, dangerous goods and hazardous waste by road, international transport of passengers and goods by road).

How to get a taxi license offline

To obtain a license, you must submit an application in the prescribed form.

The application for obtaining a license also includes:

  • information on the availability of the material and technical base that ensures the implementation of technological operations, or contracts with business entities providing services for the implementation of such operations, in the form according to Appendix 2 (it is also necessary to provide certified copies of these documents);

  • information about your own, rented, loaned or leased vehicles in the form according to Appendix 3 (it is also necessary to provide certified copies of vehicle registration certificates and temporary registration cards, if their registration is provided);< /li>

Как получить лицензию на такси и какая ответственность за ее отсутствие

Photo: Screenshot https://zakon.rada.gov.ua

  • information on the special equipment of vehicles used for transporting passengers by taxi, in the form according to Appendix 4 (for domestic and international transportation of passengers);

Как получить лицензию на такси и какая ответственность за ее отсутствие

Photo: Screenshot https: //zakon.rada.gov.ua

  • information on the qualifications of the road carrier's personnel in accordance with Appendix 5.

If documents are submitted in paper form, a list of documents submitted to obtain a license must be attached to the application in duplicate.

BPP lawyers noted that if documents are submitted in person, the person must present an identification document. If documents are submitted by a representative, the original document (certified copy) certifying his authority is additionally presented.

An order indicating the details for payment for the service will be posted within 10 working days on the official website of Ukrtransbezopasnost. After payment, the corresponding decision to issue a license will appear in the license register.

How to get a taxi license online

The procedure for submitting and the list of documents for obtaining a license in electronic form is provided for by PKMU No. 363 dated May 24, 2017. This can be done using the electronic services portal Diya.

For this you need:

  • log in to the carrier’s electronic account using an electronic signature;
  • fill out an application for the service;
  • provide information on the availability of material and technical base, vehicles, qualifications of the road carrier’s personnel and attach scanned documents to the application;
  • apply an electronic signature and send the application;
  • after consideration, the decision to issue a license will be published on the official website of Ukrtransbezopasnost. An order will be placed there indicating the details for paying the fee for the service;
  • after payment, the decision to issue a license will appear in the license register.

How to obtain a license for a taxi service

To get a job in a taxi service and safely transport passengers, you also need to obtain a license for the transportation of cars.

An individual — can obtain a license to transport passengers. entrepreneur and legal entity. The package of documents will be slightly different.

List of required documents for individual entrepreneurs

  • application for a taxi license;
  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • extract from the USREOU or certificate of registration;
  • if the car is rented, then a temporary registration card;
  • taximeter data.

List of required documents for legal entities

  • application for a taxi license;
  • extract from the USREOU or certificate of registration;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • agreement with a motor transport company (if any);
  • information about the head of the enterprise (identification code, order of appointment);
  • if the car is rented, then provide a temporary registration card;
  • taximeter data.

Please note! To obtain a license, a mandatory condition is that the individual entrepreneur or legal entity has KVED 49.32 – provision of taxi services.

How much does a taxi license cost in Ukraine

On the Diya portal, the cost of obtaining a license is 2,481 UAH. Re-registration, replacement of data or cancellation of a license is free. Taxi license from private representatives – from 2,500 UAH.

What is the fine for taxiing without a license

BPP lawyers noted that carrying out activities to transport passengers without state registration or without obtaining a license entails a fine of one thousand to two thousand non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens – 51,000 — 102,000 UAH (Article 164 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

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