Home » How to get a gun permit in Ukraine 2024: procedure and required documents

How to get a gun permit in Ukraine 2024: procedure and required documents

by alex

The issue of personal safety began to worry Ukrainians with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia. Since then, probably, every Ukrainian has thought about acquiring a weapon for self-defense.

However, owning a weapon is an important and responsible step that requires certain preparation. First of all, you need to obtain a permit to own a weapon in order to use and store it legally.

How to get a permit for a weapon in Ukraine in 2024 and about the important stages of this process — ICTV Facts asked lawyer of the Leshchenko, Doroshenko and Partners law firmAlina Davydova.

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Why do you need to get a permit for a weapon in Ukraine

During the period of large-scale war in Ukrainian society, the question of acquiring weapons to protect one's life and health, property and loved ones has increasingly arisen.

— However, it should not be forgotten that the acquisition and possession of weapons should be carried out exclusively taking into account the established requirements of the law. Since the legislation of Ukraine provides for administrative and criminal liability for failure to comply with such requirements, — says the lawyer.

According to Davydova, obtaining a weapons permit gives a person the opportunity to purchase and own them legally, and, accordingly, avoid legal liability for failure to comply with these requirements.

In addition, the existence of a permit system for weapons ownership allows the state to control their use, ensure the implementation of the preventive function of protecting society from the misuse of weapons and prevent cases of loss or theft of weapons.

How the procedure for obtaining a weapons permit has changed during martial law

You can obtain a weapons permit in Ukraine in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 of Section 1 of the Regulation on the permit system.

The permit system applies on:

  • firearms (rifled military models, old small arms, sporting, training, blank-firing, hunting rifled and smoothbore) and ammunition for them;
  • cold arms (crossbows, hunting knives, etc.);
  • pneumatic weapons with a caliber over 4.5 ml and a bullet speed over 100 m/sec;
  • domestic devices for firing cartridges;
  • equipped with rubber or similar non-lethal projectiles, and the said cartridges, explosive materials and substances.

— Permits for the specified types of weapons are issued in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. And the general procedure for issuing permits for weapons has been in effect in Ukraine since 1998, — adds the lawyer.

The procedure for obtaining a weapons permit during martial law has changed partially — has been simplified somewhat, but only for a certain type of weapon.

The procedure for obtaining a permit was simplified according to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 170 dated 01.03.2022. This document simplified the procedure for granting a permit for the acquisition, storage and carrying exclusively in relation to hunting firearms and ammunition for them.

Consequently, today in Ukraine there are actually two procedures that regulate the procedure for obtaining permits for weapons:

  • general — instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 622 (applies to all types of weapons covered by the permit system);
  • temporary — approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 01.03.2022 No. 170, which applies to obtaining permits for hunting weapons during martial law.

— It is worth noting that the validity period of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 170 is limited exclusively to the period of martial law and applies only to hunting weapons. In addition, after the end or termination of martial law, within 10 days, a person must register a weapon and a permit for it in compliance with the conditions specified in the instructions, — the lawyer adds.

How to get a weapons permit in Ukraine 2024: where to apply and documents

— To obtain a temporary permit for a weapon during martial law, a citizen of Ukraine must contact the authorized units of the National Police of Ukraine, — says Davydova.

A package of documents for registration of hunting weapon permits:

  • a written application from a person for a permit to purchase, store and carry a hunting weapon;
  • copies of pages of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • a copy of the military ID of privates, sergeants and petty officers, a military ID of a reserve officer (if available);
  • a copy of the certificate of a pensioner or veteran of military service, internal affairs bodies, the National Police of Ukraine, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Judicial Security Service, the State Fire Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the Civil Defense Service, the tax police, the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine or the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine, or a copy of the certificate of a member of a public formation for the protection of public order, or a copy of the weapons permit (if available).

— A person receives a weapons permit after the police have carried out certain checks, the duration of which should not exceed two days. This only applies to the registration of a temporary permit, — adds the lawyer.

To obtain a permit from the police for the acquisition of the main parts of a hunting firearm, citizens shall submit:

  • an application for the issuance of a permit to acquire the main parts of a weapon addressed to the head of the police agency at the applicant's place of residence;
  • a copy of the permit for the right to store and carry a weapon of the corresponding type and model;
  • payment document (payment order, receipt) with a bank mark, post office or code of the completed transaction on the deposit of funds for the provision of the corresponding paid service.

Как в Украине получить разрешение на оружие 2024: процедура и необходимые документы

Photo: Unsplash

If you want to immediately apply for a general permit for a weapon, that is, according to the instructions, then you need to contact the territorial police departments.

To obtain a permission to purchase any type of weapon from the police, you must have the following documents:

  • an application for a permit to purchase a weapon addressed to the head of the police agency at your place of residence;
  • a completed application form;
  • a medical certificate (except for deactivated weapons);
  • a certificate of examination of the material part of the weapon, special means, rules for handling and using them (except for deactivated weapons);
  • a payment document (payment order, receipt) with a bank stamp, post office or transaction code on the deposit of funds for the provision of the relevant paid service;
  • copies of pages 1, 2 and 11 of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine (for persons with an ID passport — a copy of the passport and an extract from the Unified State Demographic Register regarding registration of the place residence).

List of documents that the owner must provide to the police to obtain a permit to store and carryhunting rifled firearms, smooth-bore weapons, pneumatic weapons, bladed and blank-firing weapons:

  • application for a permit to store and carry weapons addressed to the head of the police agency;
  • two photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm;
  • duplicate permit with a store mark on the sale of weapons, devices or with a mark on their re-registration in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • payment document (payment order, receipt) with a mark of the bank, post office or the code of the transaction carried out on the deposit of funds for the provision of the relevant paid service. In addition, the owner of the weapon must present an insurance contract.

— I note that the validity period of permits for the storage and carrying of weapons is three years, after which the person can apply for an extension of the validity of such a permit. In this case, re-registration (extension of the validity of the permit for storage and carrying) of deactivated weapons is not carried out, — adds the lawyer.

Procedure for obtaining a permit for a weapon 2024

  1. First, you need to submit a package of documents to the police and obtain a permit to purchase a weapon. The purchase permit is valid for only three months.
  2. Within 10 days from the date of purchase, you must register the weapon with the police at your place of residence and obtain a permit to store and carry it.

— The rules for storing weapons and ammunition, main parts, devices and cartridges for weapons should be strictly observed. They should be stored in metal boxes and safes specially made for storing weapons. It is also important to ensure that weapons are stored unloaded, — advises Davydova.

If a citizen of Ukraine plans to buy only hunting weapons during the period of martial law:

  1. You must submit documents to the authorized unit of the National Police of Ukraine to obtain permission to purchase such weapons.
  2. Buy a hunting weapon.
  3. Submit the necessary documents to the police along with an application for permission to store and carry the relevant weapon.

— After this, the person receives a permit to store and carry weapons, which is valid until the end/termination of martial law, — says the lawyer.

Who will not be able to obtain a weapons permit in Ukraine

The impossibility of obtaining a weapons permit is primarily related to age restrictions:

  • from the age of 18, you can get a permit to purchase a cold, blank-firing, pneumatic weapon, as well as a permit to purchase and store (carry) gas pistols;
  • from the age of 21 — permit for the acquisition of hunting smooth-bore weapons;
  • from 25 years — permit for the acquisition of hunting rifled weapons.

There are no other clear prohibitions for obtaining a weapons permit, however, if the results of a medical examination reveal the presence of medical contraindications to owning a weapon, then the person will not be able to obtain a permit.

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