Home » How the GLSDB cruise bombs that Ukraine could get work: powerful video

How the GLSDB cruise bombs that Ukraine could get work: powerful video

by alex

The US recently announced a new military aid package for Ukraine, which for the first time included GLSDB cruise bombs. This weapon will allow the Ukrainian military to get the invaders at a distance of 150 kilometers. So far, Ukraine has not received such a weapon.

GLSDB is a hybrid of an aerial bomb and an M26 unguided rocket. Such bomb-rockets will be launched from ground installations, they are highly accurate.

Thanks to GLSDB, the Defense Forces will be able to get infidels in Crimea.

Missile launch is possible with MLRS HIMARS and MLRS. Most importantly, the bomb can hit targets at a distance of 150 kilometers with high accuracy.

During the launch process, the M29 rocket launches the GBU-39 aerial bomb to a certain height. It continues its flight and hits the target along a gentle trajectory.

How GLSDB cruise bombs work: video

The GBU-39 is a small 130 kg guided bomb with a 17 kg warhead. It also has wings that decompose in the air, which will increase the range.

The GLSBD uses a global positioning system (GPS) and an inertial navigation system for targeting. Thanks to these missiles, Dzhankoy, Mariupol or Luhansk were within range of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Ukraine will receive GLSBD bombs: what is known

There is no exact date yet for when the US will send GLSBD bombs to Ukraine. At the same time, Mrs. Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States, hinted that this could happen quite quickly. The reason is that the GLSBD is in warehouses in the United States, which will speed up their supply.

The head of the Center for Military Legal Research, Alexander Musienko, said that these aerial bombs could change the situation on the battlefield.

< p class="bloquote cke-markup">They will destroy the enemy position, important targets, Kafir convoys at a greater distance than we currently reach with MRLS missiles with a range of 80 kilometers. With missiles with a range of 150 kilometers, we will cover the entire occupied territory up to the Russian borders,” Musienko said.

According to Musienko, these missiles of our military will destroy Russian ammunition depots, command and control centers in the rear of the occupied territories and enemy logistics .

Military expert Andrei Kharuk noted that the GLSDB is not in service with any of the world's armies. Consequently, the Ukrainian military will be the first to test them on the battlefield.

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