Home » How the civilized world helps Ukraine

How the civilized world helps Ukraine

by alex

< /p>Ukraine has a reliable financial rear/photo from the archive of Channel 24

1.44 billion February 24 to March 27 from other countries.

A solid amount

5 countries are on the list of the largest donors

  • Poland 909 million euros< /li>
  • France 300 million euros
  • Italy 110 million euros
  • Japan 90 million euros
  • UK 35 million euros

International organizations also helped:

  • European Investment Bank €2 billion
  • IMF €1.3 billion
  • European Commission €1.2 billion
  • World Bank €839 million
  • li>

 How the civilized world helps Ukraine

These data are provided by experts from the Institute for the World Economy in Kiel (Germany), who analyzed all types of assistance to Ukraine

To summarize, together we received 6.76 billion euros of direct financial assistance to the state budget. And we do not consider this humanitarian and military assistance. And this is a decent amount.

What after March 27?

World Bank assistance has grown to $4.8 billion

US talks about a grant of $500 million . The IMF has created a special account where donor countries can transfer money for Ukraine, and Canada has already agreed to transfer $785 million there.

We also expect that the United States will eventually start using the Russian money seized in the United States in favor of Ukraine. And this is potentially $100 billion.

During the two months of the war, we see that Western countries do not turn away from us.

They help not only with weapons ! They support our budget, our financial system. And this means the stability of banks, the hryvnia exchange rate and the stability of budget payments. In particular, salaries and pensions. The world does not just give us a shoulder, it is our reliable rear!

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