Home » How Spartz continued the work of the “culprit” of the loss of the Armed Forces of Lysychansk and Severodonetsk

How Spartz continued the work of the “culprit” of the loss of the Armed Forces of Lysychansk and Severodonetsk

by alex

Victoria Spartz earned herself the reputation of an absolutely incompetent politician in Ukrainian issues/”Odessa News”

I also watched the legendary Spartz interview for Ukrayinska Pravda. What can I say, I have never seen such a failed interview in my entire life.

Much Ado About Nothing

When we talk about “failure” during an interview, then, as a rule, we mean some specific failed moments, but here – a total failure in everything.

In fact, she admitted that she does not understand the topic on which she detonated the “information bomb”, and in general does not understand anything in Ukrainian politics. At the same time, she took out some moss-covered scarecrows from the box that “the weapons transferred to Ukraine will end up somewhere in Syria,” although he has no evidence and was not interested in the question at all.

We saw a person who is very limited in terms of understanding Ukraine, and it is much more difficult for him to forgive than for any other congressman. Because she was still born here and now uses this fact for self-promotion. If you think about it, everything that Spartz voices is no different in principle from the position defended by Republican Senator Rand Paul.

Help at the cost of hundreds of lives

How can one not recall the blocking of a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine by Senator Rand Paul in Congress. And before that, he was an active lobbyist for Russia's interests in the United States. In 2018, Rand Paul delivered Trump's message to Putin in Moscow. In addition, Rand Paul recently stated that the conflict with the Russian Federation is inflation for ordinary Americans and an economic crisis, and that the US economy cannot be sacrificed for the sake of Ukraine. And Ukraine itself “used to be part of Russia.”

However, it's one thing when Rand Paul, who has long been known for his “dark” contacts with Russia, or Tucker Carlson, one of the popular right-wing publicists who has his own program on FOX, speaks about this. Interestingly, all these people have the same narratives: Ukraine is corrupt, so it doesn’t need help, confrontation with Russia is not profitable, etc.

But it’s another matter when something like this voiced by Ukraine-born Spartz. The fact of Ukrainian origin gives her words a different weight. Although she promotes approximately the same narratives.

Obviously, listening to Spartz, the voter of the conservative wing of the Republicans should make the following impression: Ukraine is corrupt, therefore it does not need help, Ukraine does not need to be given weapons, because “it is not known where it will end up”, the Ukrainians themselves are to blame, because “they are sitting in a cafe during the war” and the like.

And this is all very serious. The blocking of the assistance package by Rand Paul led to a delay in the delivery of American multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine for at least a week or two. That is, in the absence of a blockade, Ukraine could theoretically retain control over Severodonetsk and Lysichansk, because it was after the American multiple launch rocket systems hit the front that the Russian Federation took a “tactical pause” in the war. If not for the blocking of Rand Paul, this “tactical pause” could have occurred among the Russians not in the first ten days of July, but in mid-June.

Therefore, the operation involving Spartz made sense. Ukrainian “exposes” Ukraine. This undermines the credibility of the Biden administration's assistance. The US is successfully promoting the narrative that “Biden and the Democrats are to blame for the war” because they “supported corrupt Ukraine”, and now the Americans are paying for it with fuel prices.

Everything hidden has become clear

< p>One problem is the case of the performer. Spartz did not understand anything in the new Ukraine, so she did not learn anything. She picked up theses from “third hands”, repeats them, and says that she is not interested in all this, because her voter is in the USA. Therefore, by and large, the Spartz case closes the interview with Ukrainska Pravda. Because there is nothing to talk about here.

A typical informational special operation with the aim of using Ukraine in the American political struggle, which may have negative consequences for the Ukrainian opposition to aggression from the Kremlin. No, I understand that domestic fanatics will continue to mumble about Spartz as a “heroine”, but they are fanatics for that and fanatics to see only what they want to see. Everything else is clear.

If you see last names and first names in our news with a small letter, this is not a mistake, but the position of the editors regarding the actions of terrorist states and individuals who supported the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.< /em>

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