Home ยป How South Korea is holding back Kim Jong-un from sending troops to Ukraine

How South Korea is holding back Kim Jong-un from sending troops to Ukraine

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How South Korea is holding back Kim Jong-un from sending troops to Ukraine Victoria Grabovskaya

Tensions between South and North Korea are constantly growing. However, the United States manages to contain their confrontation. At the same time, Washington does not use such a tool to prevent Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

The head of the Vezha Public Analysis Center, Valery Klochok, told Channel 24 about this, noting that South Korea's actions against the DPRK make it possible to restrain Kim Jong-un in his possible support for Russia. Seoul also expressed “deep concern” regarding cooperation between Russia and the DPRK not only in the arms trade, but also in the deployment of troops.

The US can prevent Russian expansion

Despite the escalation of tensions between Pyongyang and Seoul, Kim Jong-un realizes that he is not capable of winning a war against South Korea. This conflict will lead to huge losses on both sides.

South Korea surpasses the North in population and in modern technology. However, in military terms, they have parity.

The DPRK army is technically outdated. However, as the war in Ukraine shows, it is not only technology that is decisive, but also the number of troops, he emphasized.

At the same time, the presence of US strategic aircraft carriers off the coast of South Korea demonstrates their ability to help non-nuclear countries contain nuclear states.

The situation is similar to the Russian one โ€“ we need to help Ukraine contain the aggression of a nuclear power. What prevents Washington from passing a law to support Kyiv, provide it with security guarantees and deploy nuclear weapons and tactical aircraft here to prevent Moscow's military expansion in Europe, Klochok emphasized.

However, the US and European countries have a disagreement on this issue.

Is Kim Jong-un ready to weaken the army

As for North Korea, it regularly fires shells at the South. The White House, however, talks about not spreading escalation.

This is deceit that plays into Ukraine's hands. The drones that South Korea is launching at Pyongyang are helping to restrain Kim Jong-un from sending his troops to Ukraine to fight us, explained the head of the Tower Public Analysis Center.

For Putin, it is promising to involve up to 150 thousand North Korean troops in the war against Ukraine.

However, is Kim Jong-un ready to weaken his army now? Today, the North Korean army numbers from 500 thousand to 1 million personnel. This is classified information from Pyongyang. However, it may go beyond the DPRK.

If a treaty on strategic cooperation between Russia and North Korea is signed, then such points, he suggested, were discussed between Putin and Kim Jong-un. This may result in the DPRK being drawn into the war against Ukraine.

However, the US reaction will be different. This will prevent North Korea's influence from spreading. This is beneficial for Washington because it helps control the DPRK's escalation against Japan, said Valery Klochok.

Therefore, the US will not change its policy. Washington is taking a similar approach to the Russian-Ukrainian war, he added.

Recall that White House National Security Council spokesman Sean Savett said that confirmation of information about the presence of North Korean troops in Ukraine would mean a “significant strengthening” of defense relations between Pyongyang and Moscow.

Also, according to him, this would be evidence that the Kremlin has reached a new level of desperation due to the large losses at the front.

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