Home » How long can the blackout in Ukraine last and what it depends on

How long can the blackout in Ukraine last and what it depends on

by alex

On February 10, Russia launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine and once again damaged the energy system. Reopening the power grid after the war will be a long process.

This is forChannel 24said Maksim Belyavsky, an energy expert at the Razumkov Center. He noted that the scale of destruction is unprecedented in the history of the operation of the world's power systems.

“I personally investigated blackouts, emergency situations since 1965 in the world. I want to say that now we have an unheard of scale”, – the expert noted.

Pay attention – Maxim Belyavsky about shutting down power systems: watch the video

Difficult preparation for the new heating season

< p dir="ltr">According to Belyavsky, they also talk about the scale of a strategic nature. Therefore, according to the expert, it may take more than one year to completely restore the energy system of Ukraine.

I would focus on something else. We will have to prepare for the new heating season under martial law. This is perhaps the most important challenge for both industrial enterprises and economic entities of the energy industry, Belyavsky believes.

He noted that the industry should be prepared in terms of financial sustainability. That is, it is important to have money for repairs. Belyavsky emphasized that technical constancy should also be ensured.

“It will be difficult, but we will definitely cope. I note that now a lot depends on industrial enterprises. They pay taxes, the market price. Therefore, it is possible maintain low electricity prices for the population. That is, subsidize consumption,” the expert added.

Belyavsky noted that many industrial enterprises were destroyed, some did not work. In addition, factories in the European Union.

The expert stressed that we must not stop on the path of the energy Ramstein, because Ukraine needs new projects and programs for the energy industry.

EU prices may not suit everyone

Belyavsky said that it is always very difficult to predict, because in a war there are a lot of unknown factors. He noted that the regions adjacent to the collision line suffer from lack of light almost every day.

I can say in terms of theory. If we are now conditionally switching to the elderly consumption schedule, then there should be no power outages at all. However, outage schedules are a derivative of the volume of electricity generation and import volumes,” the expert said.

He said that the situation with generation is clear, because it depends on the health of the blocks. However, for imports, according to Bilyavsky, the issue is the availability of money for traders, transmission capacity and the price of electricity in the EU, which is very high.

“If we talk about the trend of market pricing for electricity, then now the price of coal and natural gas is going down. This means that the selling price of electricity will also go down. The main thing is who will buy electricity at such a price,” Belyavsky said.

He added that not all enterprises can buy electricity in Europe, because it is expensive for them.

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