Home » How in Ukraine they punish for evading mobilization: the prosecutor's office gave a vivid example

How in Ukraine they punish for evading mobilization: the prosecutor's office gave a vivid example

by alex

How in Ukraine they punish for evading mobilization/Newcity

In Ukraine, along with martial law, general mobilization continues, which also provides for the delivery of subpoenas to those liable for military service. Now you can get it almost anywhere, even in a restaurant or cinema.


How Ukraine punishes for evading mobilization

As lawyer of the law firm “Miller” Yuri Melnyk noted, serving a summons on the street is legal, but writing them out right in a public place – no. However, if you deliberately evade mobilization, you can be held criminally liable for this.

Such a case occurred in the Carpathian region – a 43-year-old resident of Nadvirnyanshchyna is suspected of draft evasion. The husband received a summons, but did not come to the draft board for mobilization. At the same time, he was warned about the responsibility for failure to appear.

According to the investigation, the man received a summons and did not appear at the recruiting station for mobilization in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, the person liable for military service was warned about being held accountable for failure to appear, the message says.

So far, he was informed of suspicion of committing a crime under Article 336 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on evading conscription for military service. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 2 to 5 years.

When you can refuse the summons:

  • when it contains incorrect passport data,
  • when it is filled in with errors.

Then a refusal act is drawn up in the presence of witnesses, and the document is sent to the acquisition center.

May be of interest – About what you need whether to distribute subpoenas at every turn and not only: watch the video

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