Home » How Coca-Cola provides Ukrainians with basic products: photo report from the logistics hub

How Coca-Cola provides Ukrainians with basic products: photo report from the logistics hub

by alex

The Coca-Cola Company has delivered 70,000 food packages for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Volunteers of the Red Cross of Ukraine deliver these products to all corners of Ukraine.

Grocery sets and drinks have become part of a charity program implemented by the company in cooperation with the Red Cross Society of Ukraine. For their purchase, the Coca-Cola Company, together with its partner Coca-Cola HBC, allocated 4.7 million euros.

JournalistsChannel 24visited the logistics hub of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, talked with the organizers and partners of the charity initiative, and also saw how the food packages that will soon go to the de-occupied regions look like.

Coca-Cola's branded car has arrived to the Lviv logistics hub of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine

The Coca-Cola branded car arrived at the Lviv logistics hub of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine

Volunteers unload humanitarian aid from Coca-Cola

Basic aid for Ukrainians

In the Lviv logistics hub of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, active work continues to complete the humanitarian aid. Cars delivering bottled water and Coca-Cola drinks are unloaded here. They will be added to boxes of food that the Italian Red Cross has completed and delivered to Ukraine, and will also be delivered to people in need of help.

Volunteers unload drinks that will complement the food package

Volunteers unload drinks that will complement the grocery set

Coca-Cola, with the start of Russian aggression, announced that it would actively provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians. An important role in this process is played by cooperation with the Red Cross, with which the company has many years of partnership experience in Ukraine and the world.

Olga Chumak, Head of Communications at Coca-Cola Ukraine

Since February 2022, the Coca-Cola Company, together with Coca-Cola partner HBC, the Coca-Cola Foundation and its other bottlers, has allocated more than 18 million euros to humanitarian projects. These funds are used for humanitarian purposes and support for their employees who are in Ukraine. With the help of 4 million euros of aid, with the support of the Italian Red Cross, food packages were purchased, – said Olga Chumak, Head of Communications at Coca-Cola Ukraine.

With the assistance of the Red Cross of Ukraine, these kits will be distributed to the regional branches of the humanitarian organization and given directly to those who faced a shortage of basic products during the full-scale war.

Lesya, Head of Communications and Public Relations, OKH Oleinik

Thanks to the support of Coca-Cola, we have 70,000 food packages that we distribute throughout Ukraine to people who are most in need of help, in particular, food. In the near future, these kits will go to the Chernihiv and Kherson regions,” said Lesya Oleinik, head of the communications and public relations department of the OKH.

The Red Cross of Ukraine delivers humanitarian aid not only to front-line cities and villages. Assistance is also provided to internally displaced persons, people in difficult circumstances, large families in different regions of the country.

We work closely with the public sector and know the needs of communities. We have 200 Red Cross organizations that cooperate with the victims of the Russian invasion,” emphasizes Lesya Oleinik.

What is included in the food package

Products do not stay in stock

Food packages are immediately distributed throughout Ukraine

The Red Cross of Ukraine is responsible for distribution


70,000 food packages delivered to Ukraine

One set is a one-month supply of basic and nutritious foods per person. This includes cereals, including buckwheat and rice, as well as noodles, canned food, vegetable oil, and flour. All products have a long shelf life and are stored without refrigeration. The weight of each box is no more than 18 kilograms. In Ukraine, drinking water and carbonated drinks are also included with the kits.

Food packages are formed in accordance with scientifically based international standards of the Red Cross and in such quantity that one person has enough to live on. Thanks to cooperation with Coca-Cola, 70,000 Ukrainians will soon receive assistance. It is very important for people today,” emphasizes Lesya Oleinik.

One set is a monthly supply of food for one person

Each set will be supplemented with drinks< /em>

Full product list is on the package

Full product list is on the package

First of all, the kits will go to regions where there is a shortage of food and drinking water

Volunteer front: Red Cross activities are based on donations and volunteers

At the Red Cross logistics hub, many of the work is done by volunteers who reload and sort the received aid, keep records , coordinate internal migrants. Now a clear logistics has been built here: everyone is responsible for a certain direction and has their own competence. In addition, volunteers receive up-to-date instructions that help them prioritize tasks.

A significant part of the work is done by volunteers

When we first started building the system, we learned and learned from each other. They were like multifunctional soldiers: they were engaged in paperwork and shipping aid. Now, after half a year of fruitful activity, it is already clear who is responsible for what, – says volunteer Petr Zayats.

In his opinion, even after the victory, Ukraine will need volunteer assistance, perhaps even more powerful than now. And such programs, which are implemented by responsible business in partnership with public organizations and local communities, will continue to respond to the main demands of society and accelerate the restoration of our state.

4 million euros have been allocated for the purchase of food packages< /em>

Coca-Cola employees also join charitable projects

All photos provided by Coca-Cola Ukraine

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