Home » “Hit the Nazis”: Russians rejoice that they were hit by a rocket near the German consulate in Kyiv

“Hit the Nazis”: Russians rejoice that they were hit by a rocket near the German consulate in Kyiv

by alex

During the Russian attack, Putin's fighters damaged 11 important infrastructure facilities. The visa department of the German consulate also suffered at the hands of the invaders, which Russians are very happy about.

Citizens of the aggressor country do not hide their pleasure from damaging the diplomatic department. Propaganda media also write about this.

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Reaction to the shelling of the visa center of the German consulate

One of the Kremlin telegram channels distributed a photo of the consequences of the arrival of Russian missiles at the German consulate. Under the post they left an absurd caption: “Here's class: they beat the Nazis, but they also hit the Nazis.”

The reaction of Russians to the damage to the German consulate building/Screenshot of “The Last Capitalist”< /p>

Ukrainians began to massively name Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock, Federal Minister of Justice Mark Buschmann, deputies of the German Bundestag, a government representative and other officials on Twitter.

We hope that after of such attacks by the Russians, the Germans will finally understand why it is impossible to negotiate some kind of “peace” with Russian terrorists, the Last Capitalist noted.

What is known about the shelling of the German consulate in Kyiv

  • The diplomatic building was damaged during a powerful attack by Russian invaders. Foreign media also wrote about this with reference to the German government.
  • The German Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed the damage to the visa office. However, according to him, the building has not been working for several months, because there were no employees on site.
  • However, German Ambassador Anka Feldhusen said that she was hiding from rockets in one of the shelters of the capital along with other Kievans. The official also noted that Russia also fired at playgrounds.

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